12.2 Channel View

12.2 Channel View


 Channel Name: Shows the names of the channels and allows you to change the names.

 Status: A green light shows that the channel has an engine assigned to it and that the connection could be established. A yellow light means that there is no connection to the assigned engine. A gray light means that there is no engine assigned to the channel ("Offline Channel"). On the right side of the light there is also a plain text informing about the status of a channel

 Scheduling: Shows the interface which can connect to the channel.

 Output Format: Shows the output format of the channel and allows you to change the output format.

 Advanced Options: Click on the sprocket to show advanced channel options.

 Port: Shows the port which is used by the channel and also allows you to change the port.

 Activation: Shows the status of the activation for this channel. An orange light means not activated or temporary license (with the expiration date). A green light means activated.

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