12.3 Configuration Tabs
12.3 Configuration Tabs
Summary & Performance: Shows the channel status, the engine diagnostics of the video- and the optional RTMP streaming output. Clicking on the sprocket in the lower left allows you to change the proxy preview quality.
Layers & Engines: Here you can see the number and kind of layers activated with this channel. In addition it is possible to assign graphics elements to an FX Layer, which should be on air by default (infinite graphics) and you can define which engine is used for each layer.
Users: Here you can see the list of users which are allowed to access the selected channel. You can define the level of access a certain user has and also assign a password to a user.
Repositories: The repositories define the paths to movies, graphics and playlists (UI clients only) which a client can use. You can define multiple paths which can point to local disks as well as to remote locations like NAS/SANs and file servers. The repository paths will show up in the library of the client.
As-Run Log Folder: Allows the desired just:out to write a log file from the playout to a predefined location.
Events: Here you can define router and GPI Events for the selected channel by using a serial connection, a MOXA Ethernet to serial device or an Ethernet based connection. The crosspoints are later defined in the just:live/just:play user interface.
User Interfaces: By default just:connect allows all users to access a channel, based on the user rights defined in the "Users" tab. In case you would like to restrict access to certain users, you can define the users including the repositories they should use here.
MOS/Newsroom: Here you can configure the built-in MOS server for the newsroom integration (just:live only).
Advanced: Here you can activate and configure advanced functions like redundancy and default gap playlists.
, multiple selections available,