8. just:out

8. just:out

just:out provides the final output. It renders the image in real time on the host GPU using movies and graphic elements. Even when playing only movies the speed of the host GPU is very important. These are the key features:

  • Minimal Preferences: To make the setup of the channel as smooth as possible you can setup and maintain just:out from within just:connect which also allows you to setup and maintain the other parts of the channel. just:out provides only those preferences needed to setup the engine itself.
  • Diagnostic Window: Displays engine statistics like the buffer status, master time, reference time and the name of the clip which is currently playing in the first video layer. Three buttons provide access to the log files, allow you to save the current status of just:out and to reset the values shown in the diagnostic window.
  • Preview Window: Take a sneak peek of the current playout. It is optionally also possible to start the preview automatically every time just:out starts. Because the preview shows only the rendered output of the GPU, any live incoming signal is not shown here.
  • Quit-Safe: You can quit just:connect and just:live/just:play without stopping the actual playout. When doing so with just:out, the playout will stop. Therefore just:out does not allow to be closed using cmd + q. To quit just:out you have to use the "Quit" command from the menu and confirm a dialog.
  • Save Preview Image As: This generates a snapshot of the current playout saved as a still image. This image can – for example – be used by our tech support to analyze visual issues.

The "Preveiw" and the "Diagnostic" window as well as the ability to save a preview image are only available when using the built-in "Screen" mode and not when using a video device for the final output.

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