12.6 Channel - Repositories Tab (v.5.x)

You must unlock the Just Control Configuration window and stop the channel(s) first to perform any changes.

Repositories define the folders where your Playout media is stored.

  • Add Repository: Allows you to add a Video, Audio, Graphics, or Playlist Repository to the selected Channel.

  • Repository Paths: Displays the Repository folder paths which are currently defined for the selected Channel. Video Repositories are shown first, followed by Audio Repositories, Graphics Repositories, and finally Playlist Repositories.

  • Choose Button: By clicking on this button, you can choose a new Repository folder for the particular Repository.

  • Repository Type: Displays the Repository type.

You can change the Repository path by editing the path shown in this panel. This can be useful in situations, where the name of the storage changes and many Repositories are used.

Removing a Repository

  1. Verify that you have selected the proper Channel in the Channel List.

  2. Click on the Repository you would like to remove.

  3. Press the backspace key.

  4. Conform the warning dialog to remove the Repository. This cannot be undone.

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