12.5 Channel - Layers & Engines Tab (v.5.x)

You must unlock the Just Control Configuration window and stop the channel(s) first to perform any changes.

  • New Layer: Adds a new Video, FX, Simple FX, Event, or Audio Layer to the selected Channel.

  • Move Up/Down: Move the selected Layer up or down. The final visual output will be in the order defined here (top to bottom).

  •  ID: Unique ID, used to identify the Layer within Just Connect and the XML Playlists.

  • Name: Name of a Layer. Double-click to change it. The Layer names will be displayed in the just:live/just:play user interface. Use less than 8 characters for just:play and less than four characters for the just:live user interface. Otherwise, the name will be shortened.

  • Layer Options / Status: Once an Infinite Graphic has been defined in the Inspector of the Multi viewer, the chosen graphics element is shown here.

  • Primary Just Out Engine: Select a Primary Engine for each Layer that you want to use with this Channel – otherwise the Layer will not be active. By default, a channel comes with one Video, one Event, one Simple Graphics Layer, two FX Layers as well as an unlimited number of Audio Layers. These can be upgraded to any number of Layers, depending on the power of your host machine(s) and the speed of the disks.

  • Redundant Just Out Engine: If you are running two Just Out engines on two different machines, they can be configured as Primary and Redundant engines. This means that the information from Just Connect will be sent to both Just Out engines so that both engines are playing out the same content synchronized all the time.

Playlists which have been created before a Layer has been added will show the new Layer, but you will not be able to add elements to it. Create a new Playlist to use the new Layer.

Removing a Layer

  1. Make sure you have selected the proper Channel in the Channel List.

  2. Click on the Layer you would like to remove.

  3. Press the backspace key.

  4. Confirm the warning dialogue to remove the Layer. This cannot be undone.

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