12.3 Device - Activation Tab (v.5.x)

You must unlock the Just Control Configuration window and stop all channel(s) first to activate a Device.

  • Current activation status and activated options: All options available for the selected Channel and the status of each function are shown in the viewer below.

  • Request activation for machine ID: Shows the Machine ID of the selected Device. The first 16 digits are machine-related, everything after the “juco” abbreviation depends on the activated options and may be different for your setup. To issue a temporary or permanent activation code (without a watermark) the provision of this Machine ID is necessary.

  • Activation code: Copy and paste an activation key into this field and press the Activate button afterwards. Upon successful activation, the status in the Activation Option List changes to (Green) for the activated options.

An unlicensed trial version has all features enabled and has no restrictions in terms of functionality. An unlicensed trial channel displays a full screen ToolsOnAir watermark every nine (9) seconds for the duration of one (1) second.


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