9.2 The "Auto Export"

9.2 The "Auto Export"

The "Auto Export" option automates the Apple Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro export. This option is enabled by default. LiveCut will send the recorded take as XML into the "XML Backup" folder inside the "LiveCut Documents" folder.

By choosing one of the export options "Export to Final Cut Pro X", "Export to Adobe Premiere Pro CS6", "Export to Adobe Premiere Pro CC" or "Export to Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014" in the "Project" menu, you can open the take straight after the export on the local machine.

When using "Export to Final Cut Pro 7" however Apple Final Cut Pro 7 needs to be already running, due to some internal changes in OS X 10.9/10.10 and higher.

If you want the take to be delivered to an external workstation, grab the XML file from the "High-Res XML Backups" folder and drop/import it into Apple Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro.

Please be aware that the original media files need to be accessible by the choosen NLE at any time. Contact your system administrator to help you with the proper storage and client mounting setup. 

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