11. Extra Features

11. Extra Features

 Export: Edit-While-Recording

When using Apple Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro, you can export your takes while recording. 


You can export by using the "Export to XY" command in the "Project" menu (where XY is your preferred NLE) or by using the keyboard shortcut "Cmd + E". 

The following rule applies: If you have chosen "Open in XY after Export" (where XY is your selected NLE), the XML file is created in your "High-Res XML Backup" folder, your NLE automatically opened (besides Apple Final Cut Pro 7 that needs to be running before the export) and the XML imported.

The same method works with markers. When the marker drawer is opened you can export single or multiple selected markers with a right mouse click. This feature comes in handy, when you need to work on a given part of the timeline due to special requirements or time issues. 


Keep in mind that "Edit-While-Recording" only works in a proper setup and with enough CPU power headroom left for LiveCut and the ingest process.



You can reopen LiveCut projects at any time after the end of your recording session or change your export options to re-export them, for example with a different soundtrack as the selected main source.


With your vision mixer or GPI simulator it is possible to switch to a source that doesn ́t exist. To do so, set up one channel (or more) in the LiveCut preferences under the I/O device matrix and try it out. You will see that, every time you switch to this non existing source, you will get a "gap" in your video track. This can be perfect for inserting special graphics or other prepared video layers.

 Capturing Via The Second Capture Instance

You can – apart from your High-Res files – capture additional media files via the second capture instance. This workflow needs much more CPU and disk performance and should not be activated by default. If your workflow requires additional media files recording, please contact the ToolsOnAir support team to discuss that particular setup.

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