6.4 Scheduled Recording

6.4 Scheduled Recording

One of the great features of just:in multi is that it uses out-of-the-box features that OS X provides and the Apple Calendar application is used for scheduling because of that. The integration between just:in and Apple Calendar is very straightforward and easy to use. Once you select / activate a channel in the Just In Con guration preference panel and name it according to your needs, a calendar with that same name will be automatically created for that very channel. Once set, all you need to do is to create your calendar events in Apple Calendar and they will be instantly visible in the Schedule section of Just In Multi. Please remember that all events have to be created on the machine running the Just In Engine QuickTime engine.These events will then be automatically displayed in the Just In Multi GUI. 

Select Preset to be used for Schedule

Select your preset from the “Preset” pull-down menu first. This setting will be used for all events in the Schedule event list. 

Naming convention in Apple Calendar

The event name will be used to generate the final name of the clip. To better differentiate multiple recordings, variables like <Channel>, <Date> and <Time> can be added. 

Repeating an Apple Calendar event would result in a file which gets overwritten every time the same event is executed again. To avoid this you can add the variables <Date> and <Time> to the clip name of the event. This automatically appends the date and time (= beginning of the corresponding Apple Calendar event) to the clip name. 

Scheduled Event List in Just In Multi

The scheduled events show up immediately after their creation in Apple Calendar. 

Maximum Record Length

Due to the maximum record length, the Just In Multi user interface will display a warning when a scheduled Apple Calendar event exceeds the maximum length of 12 hours even when using the MXF container. 

Schedule Warnings Panel

A handy new feature to the schedule mode is the ability to set specific reminders in the event of a mixed ingest operation. Let’s say that you have scheduled one or more recordings in the future, but would like to do some crash recordings in between. Just In Multi will ask, if you want to leave schedule mode and set the logged Apple Calendar events on temporary hold. 

Once you’re done with your crash recording, you would then switch back again to schedule mode, but in case you forget to do so, you can set schedule reminders under the menu “Just In Multi -> Preferences”.

First check Enable Schedule warnings, then enter the intervals that you want these warnings to show up ahead in time (in seconds and values > 60) and choose one of the following operations: Force Scheduling or Continue Recording

Continue Recording

Select this option, if you want to continue recording, even when a scheduled event has been set. The scheduled event(s) will then be disregarded. 

Force Scheduling

Select this option, if you want to abort an ongoing crash recording and revert to the scheduled recording. 


The first picture (Alert window) shows the warning that will pop up as a visual support to the operator whilst in crash recording mode. There you can decide whether to directly switch into schedule mode or continue recording. If you press Switch to schedule, then Just In Multi will stop recording and automatically switch to Schedule mode.

Gapless Scheduled Recording

In versions of just:in multi (pre-v.1.5) it was not possible to record two subsequent events where the end of the first clip was the start time of the second clip. Starting with version 1.5 of just:in multi, Apple Calendar events can be used to perform gapless schedule recordings on a frame accurate level. 


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