3.2 just:live v2.0 Preferences

3.2 just:live v2.0 Preferences

The actual setup and configuration of a channel is done in just:connect by your system administrator. The whole channel is defined there (number of activated layers, usage of a FX layer for the station ID ("bug"), user permissions for a particular channel...). But there are also some settings which are related to the just:live UI installed on a particular machine. To configure just:live to your needs, open the preferences dialog in the menu "Just Live » Preferences".

 On Air view: Here you can choose which preview is shown in the "On Air" window. The options are:

  • No Live Preview: Removes the "On Air" window from the control area. Only the "Preview" window will be shown in the center of the control area.
  • Proxy Preview from just:connect: This shows the current output incl. movies and graphics as well as audio bars (but not the passed through signal while playing a Live Event) in the "On Air" window. The preview changes when switching from one channel to another.
  • 2nd hardware device: This option shows any signal which is connected to a video device in the "On Air" window. This can also include the passed through signal while playing a "Live Event". Switching from one channel to another channel does not change the preview, but will always show the signal connected to the hardware device.

 UI and Finished Action settings:

  • On Air view left of preview: When enabled the "On Air" window is located to the left of the "Preview" window. 
  • Show names for all items in timeline: When enabled the name labels of all clips in the timeline are always displayed. When disabled the clip names in the timeline are only displayed when hovering above them with the mouse.
  • Show tooltips in the library: Activating this option gives you additional information about an item in the library when you hover over it with the mouse for a short period of time. Disable this feature if you do not need tooltips.
  • Default next action for movies: This option allows you to predefine the default "end action" for every movie which is dropped into the workbench. This preset can be overruled later for each movie element using the inspector.
  • Hold time for 'Hold and Cue Next': This setting allows you to define how long the last frame of a movie will be "held" before the next clip will be cued.
  • Hold time for 'Hold and Play Next': This setting allows you to define how long the last frame of a movie will be "held" before the next clip will be played. 
  • Default next action for graphics: This option allows you to predefine the default end action for graphic elements which are dropped into the workbench. This preset can be overruled later for each graphic element using the inspector. 

 VDCP server settings:

  • Enable VDCP server on serial port: Enables the "Video Disk Control Protocol Server" (also see appendix "12.1 VDCP Support (v2.0)"). Contact your system administrator for the proper configuration (depending on the serial device you want to use). 

 Additional settings

  • Poster frames cache: This defines the folder where poster frames will be saved. By default the poster frames are saved in the folder "Poster Frames" inside of the "Documents" folder of the current user. This option is enabled by default. Disable it to suppress the creation of new poster frames in the workbench of just:live. 
  • Default video in-point: This option is disabled by default. Enable it to enter a timecode value. Once enabled the in-point of QuickTime movies which are dragged from the library into the workbench will be set to the specified value (assuming that the QuickTime movie contains timecode). This is useful if all of your QuickTime movies contain a trailer or countdown before the actual movie content starts.
  • Play video command on GPI input #: Here you can define the GPIin which should execute the play command. Once activated you can select the hardware you are going to use to receive the GPI command. Using a "JLCooper eBox" you must define the IP address and the port of the eBox, so just:live can connect to it.
  • Video only keyboard mapping (F1/F3): Activate this checkbox to change the way the F1/F3 keys are working. By default F1 starts/stops the playout of the first layer, F2 starts/stops the playout of the second layer and so on. With this checkbox activated, F1 starts the playout of the first layer and F3 stops the play out. Pressing the F1 while an item is playing has no function in this case.
  • Workbench double-click action: Only available when the workbench is in list mode. This defines the action which is executed when double-clicking an item in the workbench. Following options area available: "Do Nothing", "Load Item", Load and cue item" and "Load and play item".
  • Reset all dialog warnings: Pressing the "Reset" button enables dialog warnings again.  


Using the proxy preview from just:connect shows a compressed image with a reduced frame rate. In addition the preview can stop for a moment if the communication is interrupted, even when the real output is fine. This means that the preview cannot replace a broadcast monitor for the final check of the master playout.

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