Version 2.0: Important Notes
Version 2.0: Important Notes
For Customers Updating From Previous Versions To v2.0 Or Higher
- Starting with version v1.8 the activation is no longer done on the machine running just:out, but on the machine running just:connect. This means that all customers with a valid maintenance contract who would like to update to v1.8.x should contact ToolsOnAir at orders@toolsonair.com for a new license key.
- All customers upgrading from a previous version need a new v2.0 activation code to be able to play out using just:out without a watermark.
Thank you – The ToolsOnAir Support team: http://support.toolsonair.com
For Customers Using The Event Option
Starting with version 1.8, event devices such as GPI output or video routers are defined for a channel in just:connect. In previous versions this was done in just:out. If you have defined any event devices in a previous version using just:out and you would like to reuse them in v1.8, you will need to import them into the relevant channel in just:connect.
- To import previous event devices you must run the "TOA System Checker" on the machine running just:out v1.7.1 or earlier before you install any of the other applications via drag & drop.
- Now navigate to the "Library" folder in the Finder. Use the "Go" menu in the Finder while holding the "alt"-key and selecting "Library".
- Then select the "Preferences" folder and locate the file "com.toolsonair. Just_Out.plist". Copy this file to the system running just:connect.
- Then – after starting just:connect – select "Import just:out 1.7 settings" from the "Help" menu and select the "com.toolsonair.Just_Out.plist" file you copied before.
- Any event devices from the settings file will then be imported into the selected channel."
Please contact ToolsOnAir in case you need help to save your Events: http://support.toolsonair.com