15.1 The LogIn Window - Admin User(v.5.x)

Every time you start Just Control, the log in window is shown, asking for a username and a password. This means that the ability to start Just Control depends on the availability of a User.

The Admin User has two functionalities:

  1. It defines the Access Rights and therefore which Channels you can access.

  2. It also defines which Multi Viewer Layouts can be used.

The Access Level of a logged-in User is defined in the Just Control Configuration panel. Available options are: “Read & Write” (apply changes to a Channel) and Read-Only (watch the Channel). These options apply to both the just:live and just:play user interfaces.

Adding a new Admin User

The first time you started Just Control you defined an administrator user as part of the Configuration Wizard. This User has been added to the system as Just Control Admin User as well as a User to your playout channel with “Read and Write” access rights.

To add another admin user, please proceed as follows:

  1. Log Out the current User, (go to “Just Control - Log Out "username" or press Alt-Cmd-Q) or quit and start Just Control.

  2. The Log In window is shown - type in a new username (and password) in the Log In window.

  3. A warning will be shown that this User does not exist and if a new User should be added. Click “Add”.

Administrating and Deleting existing Admin User

You must unlock the Just Control Settings window to make changes.

  1. Click on the User to highlight it and press the “Delete” button on your keyboard to delete the selected User.

  2. A warning will be shown which asks to remove the selected User. Click “Remove”.

Deleting an existing Admin User

  1. Click on the User to highlight it and press the “Delete” button on your keyboard to delete the selected User.

  2. A warning will be shown which asks to remove the selected User. Click “Remove”.

You cannot delete the User who is currently logged in.

To add/change the password of an existing User

  1. Click on the User to highlight it and then click the button “Change Password”.

  2. Type in a password to add/change the password to the selected User. Click “Set”.

To remove a Multi Viewer Layout from an existing User

  1. Click on the User to highlight it and then press the “Delete” button on your keyboard to delete the Layout from the selected User.

  2. A warning will be shown which asks to remove the selected Layout. Click “Remove”.

To generate a new Multi Viewer Layout for a user

Close the Just Control Settings window in case it is opened, so that the Multi Viewer interface is shown.

  1. Adjust the Viewer(s) in the Multi Viewer interface so, that it shows the Layout you would like to save.

  2. Select New Multi Viewer Layout Template under the menu “View”, or press Alt-Shift-Cmd-T.

Type in the name you would like to use for the new Layout. Click “Create”.

→ Use the sidebar to navigate.