Destination Presets (5.1)
Destination Presets contain settings about the recording locations of the Recordings, Metadata files, SCC sidecar-files or XMP Marker files. Before you can start Recordings within just:control you have to create one or multiple Destination Presets. After defining Presets you can quickly access them in just:control. This speeds up the Recording process and helps to keep things organized.
To make any changes you have to unlock the Configuration Panel.
Overview (JIL)
Open the Configuration Panel, select a Device and switch to the Destination Presets Tab.
Destination Preset List: shows all available Destination Presets for the selected Device. Use the buttons below to add and remove Destination Presets.
Destination Preset Configuration Options: create and set new container types here, by using the Add and Minus button below.
Main Container: Sets the main recording path for a recording (subfolders will be created automatically).
Metadata: Sets the path for writing the metadata sidecar file.
SCC Captions: Set the path for writing the SCC sidecar file.
Path: When creating a just:in linux destination preset, you have to write or paste the actual path for the just:in linux appliance into the path field (Linux OS path)
Main Path: Main recording location.
Override File Buffer Size: This setting can be used for overriding the File Buffer Size of a Channel. This can be useful if you want to have a different writing behaviour for different Main Container Paths.
Note that you can set multiple Main Container paths to record to multiple locations at the same time.
Overview (JIM)
Open the Configuration Panel, select a Device and switch to the Destination Presets Tab.
Destination Preset List: shows all available Destination Presets for the selected Device. Use the buttons below to add and remove Destination Presets.
Destination Preset Configuration Options: create and set new container types here, by using the Add and Minus button below.
Main Container: Sets the main recording path for a recording.
Metadata: Sets the path for writing the metadata sidecar file.
SCC Captions: Set the path for writing the SCC sidecar file.
Path: Select the Container Path here.
Main Path: Main recording location.
Fallback: Fallback recording location (just:in mac switches to the fallback path automatically, in case the main recording location gets to slow or does not respond at all). Please beware that this Container Type is only available for the Main Container.
Override File Buffer Size: This is a just:in linux only feature.
Note that you can set multiple Main Container paths to record to multiple locations at the same time.
Add a Destination Preset
In the Device & Channel List select a Device. Click on the Destination Presets tab. Below the Destination Preset List press the "Plus" button to add a Destination Preset.
A new window appears, where you can add the Destination Preset Name. Press the Create button to go back to the Destination Preset options. Configure the Destination Preset. It will be saved automatically after all attributes are defined. You may change the settings of a Destination Preset at any time.
Edit an existing Destination Preset
Select an existing Destination Preset and change the options on the right side. The changes will be saved automatically.
Remove a Destination Preset
Select an existing Destination Preset and use the "Minus"-Button below the Destination Preset list to remove the selected Destination Preset.