just:in 5.1 Release Notes

just:in 5.1 Release Notes

Just In 5.1.0.GM.1043 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • In just:in engine’s diagnostics window an extra “File Output” queue is now displayed when writing an AVFoundation (e.g. MOV) container. This may be relevant when writing to an attached storage when the connection is unreliable or too slow, as in this case you will see the queue beginning to fill up. If the queue is full, the recording will stop with an error displayed in just:control. Even after the recording has stopped, the diagnostics window will continue to show the queues and the file output queue should slowly empty as fast as the storage allows. Once the queue is empty, the file will be closed and can then be safely opened in an external editor.



Just In 5.1.0.GM.1042 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in invalid timecode using LTC over audio timecode with AJA devices.

  • When a recording is automatically stopped due to storage performance issues, any remaining frames are now written to the file and the file then correctly closed to prevent issues opening the file in some editors (e.g. Adobe Premiere).

  • When disconnecting a channel in the multi-viewer, the number of connections for the channel is now correctly reset.

  • When the multi-viewer is locked, it is no longer possible to select viewers, move them with drag and drop, or create new groups by dragging viewers to the “Groups” tab in the inspector.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1041 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • The “Channel” tab in the device configuration panel for just:in linux SDI channels has an addition “AJA Frame Buffer” field to specify the number of frames that the channel should buffer on the AJA card. By default this property will have a value of “0” meaning that the default for the given hardware device will be used. A different value should only be entered under very specific circumstances, after consulting with ToolsOnAir technical support.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1040 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • The “Connections” tab in the multi-viewer inspector now shows additional information when two or more instances of just:control are connected to the same device and/or channel. For up to 9 connections, the number is shown, for 10 or more, “9+” is shown next to the device or channel.

  • When restoring a just:connect configuration in the “System” tab in the device configuration panel, an additional alert is now shown if the selected configuration’s name does not match the current device’s name.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1039 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • When exporting a live:cut project to Final Cut Pro (X), the exported XML has been updated to latest version to ensure compatibility with the current version of FCP.

  • Updated the list of available live:cut editors to: “Final Cut Pro 7”, “Final Cut Pro”, “Adobe Premiere Pro” and “EDIUS”.

  • When opening a previously saved live:cut project that contains markers, the markers are now displayed correctly in the inspector’s live:cut tab.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1038 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Performance and stability improvements when recording DNxHD.

  • Updated the “white list” of compatible hardware in TOA System Checker.

  • Added a check for port 5000 in TOA System Checker running on macOS 12 Monterey as there may be a conflict with the system AirPlay Receiver.

  • When switching between an invalid LTC timecode source and a valid timecode source (e.g. Computer Time), an error is now displayed each time the invalid timecode source is selected and not just the first time.

  • Any error shown in just:control are no longer cleared when a new “chunk” is recorded, meaning than any errors that occurred during previous chunks are visible during the entire recording.

  • The SDI metadata signalling the source’s color space is now respected when recording with AVFoundation. For example, a UHD signal tagged as BT.709 instead of BT.2020 will be correctly recorded and tagged as 709.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1037 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Fixed occasional crashes in just:control.

  • Stability improvements when using an LTC audio device.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1036 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Fixed occasional crashes in just:control.

  • Stability improvements when using an LTC audio device.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1035 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • The previous “Lockable Inspector” preference in just:control has been turned into a menu with three options: “No Locking”, “Lockable Inspector” and “Lockable Inspector And Multi-viewer”. In addition there is now a new “Lock Just Control” menu item in the “Just Control” menu with a keyboard shortcut assign to allow for locking and unlocking via the menu and/or keyboard (locking is also still possible by moving the mouse over the inspector’s “close” button and holding the alt key). When “Lockable Inspector And Multi-viewer” is selected in the preferences, locking now locks both the inspector, the multi-viewer and any other related menu items. Moving the mouse over a connected viewer in the multi-viewer will show a “lock” button instead of the channel’s usual action button. Clicking this button will unlock just:control just as with the menu / keyboard shortcut / inspector button.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes resulted in “leaked” threads when stopping and starting channels, that over time could cause performance issues. 

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1034 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • The “Reset just:connect” and “Restore just:connect” menu items in the “System” device configuration tab are now disabled when the device has one or more active (running) channels. Please stop all channels on the device in order to reset or restore just:connect.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1033 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • After logging into just:control and any channel viewers are connected, if the mouse is currently inside any of the connected viewers, the viewer now shows any action buttons. Previously it was necessary to first move the mouse pointer outside of the viewer, and then back inside again.

  • Fixed a bug where older channels still only showed a limited range of video modes (with the same frame-rate), not the entire range of available modes.

  • For channels in Schedule recording mode, the calendar selection button is now properly disabled when the channel is recording, or the inspector is locked.

  • It is now possible to change a channel’s recording mode (Crash, Batch, Scheduled) when the channel does not have a valid signal.

  • If the SDI signal contains SCTE VANC packets, these are now logged in the channel’s log file.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1032 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Corrected a reference to the “AirPort Receiver” to “AirPlay Receiver” in the alert shown in just:in engine when the server port cannot be bound to.

  • Added an alert before changing the device’s (ie. just:in engine’s) port in the configuration panel.

  • Added the current 2020 M1 Mac Mini (9,1) and the “Apple M1” GPU to TOA System Checker, thus removing errors when running on that system.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1031 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • The VTR control buttons for a channel in “Batch” recording mode are now shown correctly on macOS 11 Big Sur and later.

  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly showed an error next to the video mode after selecting the first just:in linux channel in the device configuration panel. 

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1030 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the channel viewer action buttons to disappear on systems that had previous changed the preferences in just:control.

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the new “Action Button” mouse behaviour being ignored for just:in channel viewers.

  • Updated the Blackmagic Decklink drivers to version 12.2. If you are using Blackmagic products, please update your system to this version.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1029 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • just:control’s preferences panel has an additional third “Mouse Behaviour” called “Action Button” that can be used to control when the viewer’s action button is shown or hidden. For example, by setting all three options to “Hide”, the multi-viewer can now be configured to never show the action button at all, so all actions can only be triggered by using keyboard shortcuts and/or the group action buttons.

  • Renamed some of the label in the “Metadata Sets” tab in the configuration panel for better clarity.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1028 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Updated the licensing “blips” with the macOS 11 Big Sur “look”.

  • Updated just:control’s “splash screen” with the macOS 11 Big Sur “look”.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1027 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Reverted the default just:connect port to 5000 on all systems including macOS 12 Monterey and later, and added extra information about disabling the AirPlay Receiver to the alert shown if the server fails to start.

  • just:in engine’s diagnostics window now shows the communication port used to communicate with just:control.

  • Added an additional alert when adding a new device to the connections configuration panel with “localhost”.

  • After trying to connect to an “occupied” channel, the status “IN USE BY xxx” is shown in the viewer. If this channel is then freed by the user and connects, this status is now correctly cleared once the viewer is connected.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1026 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • For systems running macOS 12 Monterey or later, the default port used to communicate between just:control and just:connect is now 5001 instead of 5000 to prevent conflicts with the system AirPlay service.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1025 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect timecode from an LTC audio device.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1024 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • The “device frame-rate” has been removed to allow for mixing of different frame-rates on a single device (e.g. i25 and i2997 at the same time).

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1023 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • LTC timecode via an audio input is now supported by just:in mac. Available audio devices are shown in the device configuration panel in just:control, and selected channels can be configured to use “LTC Over Audio”.

  • Updated the link after selecting “Help > Just In Help” in Just In Engine to show the help for v5.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1022 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Updated all application icons to match the macOS 11 Big Sur design.

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1021 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • Stability improvements running natively on an Apple Silicon Mac.

  • Fixed alignment issues for inspector group buttons (e.g. “Clear Error” in the errors & warnings group or the “+” and “-“ buttons in the capture groups).

Just In 5.1.0.B1.1020 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.

  • This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.

  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.

  • This version is a “universal” binary that runs natively on Apple Silicon (e.g. M1) Macs as well as those with Intel CPUs.

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