Supported GPUs (4.0)

Supported GPUs (4.0)

Usually the GPU of all currently available Macintosh models is sufficient for testing purposes. In the optimal setup (when using the latest Mac Pro) even the most basic GPU (i.e. D300) is sufficient for most scenarios.

  • The on-board GPU is sufficient
  • AMD: Radeon HD 2600, HD 3870, HD 4870
  • Intel: HD Graphics 4000, HD Graphics 5000, Iris 5100
  • AMD: HD 5770, HD 5870, FirePro D300, D500, D700, Radeon Pro
  • Intel: UHD Graphics 630

There are several other GPUs which may also work. Please test thoroughly before using an unlisted graphics card. ToolsOnAir offers no support for unlisted graphic cards.

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