[JIM] Timecode v.2025.1

[JIM] Timecode v.2025.1

  • Timecode Offset (Frames): defines the technically possible delay between the EDL and the QuickTime file (due to hardware related components). Leave the value at "0" as long as there is no measurable delay.

  • Allow Dissolves: enable this if you want dissolves in your sequence. When enabled, you will have to set the dissolve tolerance for the GPI triggers. A tolerance of about four frames is recommended. Please consider possible delays when switching manually (physically), so there might be an issue when doing cuts. This setting prevents live:cut to have them appear as fast dissolves.

  • Timecode Server:

    • Just In (recommended option): live:cut uses the Timecode of its first connected just:in mac or just:in linux Channel as the Timecode source.

    • Computer Time: for testing and demo environments or if you don't need or have an external TC generator and intent to work on a single machine.

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