[JIM] AJA Io 4K Plus v.6.5

The AJA Io 4K Plus is fully compatible with just:in mac v.6.5, and supports SD, HD, and UHD (12G mode) video modes. However, please note that due to hardware limitations, the AJA Io 4K Plus only supports a single dedicated 12G input or 12G output channel only.


  • 625i50 (SD PAL)

  • 525i59.94 (SD NTSC)


  • 1080p23.98,

  • 1080p24

  • 1080p25

  • 1080p29.97

  • 1080p30

  • 1080p50

  • 1080p59.94

  • 1080p60

  • 1080psf23.98

  • 1080psf24

  • 1080psf25

  • 1080psf29.97

  • 1080psf30

  • 1080i50

  • 1080i59.94

  • 1080i60

  • 720p50

  • 720p59.94

  • 720p60

UHD (12G video mode only)

Please note that only “SDI 1” can be used as 12G input. This is because of AJA hardware and SDK limitations.

  • 2160p23.98

  • 2160p24

  • 2160p25

  • 2160p29.97

  • 2160p30

  • 2160p50

  • 2160p59.94

  • 2160p60

Please note that the SD and HD video modes will not work correctly, if there is a UHD signal attached to the “SDI 1” port.

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