8.3 Refreshing A Playlist (v.5.x)

8.3 Refreshing A Playlist (v.5.x)

It is possible to check the content of an existing Playlist for errors related to Videos. The “Refresh Playlists” function checks each Video and Placeholder item in the Playlist against the actual media found in the Video repository folders. It validates a changed duration (shorter/longer) compared to the duration stored in the Playlist at the time the Video has been scheduled originally. This may be useful if Video files have been changed in the background since they were scheduled in just:play, or in case Videos became available since the time a Placeholder has been scheduled for that Video before. Any changes found will be automatically updated in the Playlist and logged.

To refresh an existing Playlist in just:play go to the menu “File → Refresh Playlists”.

The Playlist Refresh Window

  • Refresh All Playlists: Refreshes all Playlists scheduled for the current day.

  • Refresh Selected Playlist: Refreshes the currently selected Playlist in just:play's Workbench.

  • Save Warnings/Errors: Saves warnings and errors to a text file.

  • Remove any missing/deleted clips from the playlist: Any clips in the Playlist that can no longer be found in the Video repository folders will be automatically removed from the Playlist. When not checked, Videos that cannot be resolved will be left unaltered in the Playlist (meaning that black will be played out for the duration of the Video clips). You will be warned in the log when refreshing the Playlist and the Videos. In the rundown, the colour of the missing clips changes from WHITE to RED ().

  • If the Playlist itself uses the “Auto Duration” function, any changes made to the duration of any Videos in the Playlist will automatically be reflected in the Playlist's duration.

  • When the Automatically refresh dropped Playlists option is selected in “Just Control → Settings → Preferences → just:play”, any Playlist dropped from the Library to the rundown will automatically be refreshed.

  • You can also use this function for Playlists already scheduled in the rundown to update the metadata information like aspect ratio and fps.

  • Refreshing a Locked Playlist is not possible, and such Playlists will be skipped.


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