11. Just Control Configuration Window - UI & Settings (v.5.x)
This chapter covers a basic overview of the Just Control Configuration window. For a more in-depth configuration, refer to the following chapters:
12. Just Control Configuration Window – Overview (v.5.x)
Accessing the Just Control Configuration Window
In the Just Control Configuration panel, you can configure the Channel settings. The defined settings are then stored in Just Connect, regardless of whether Just Connect is on the same or on a different machine. You can access the Just Control Configuration panel with the menu Channels → Show Configuration Panel (Option-Command-,).
Just Control Configuration Window Overview
Devices & Channels List
You must unlock the Just Control Configuration window and stop the channel(s) first to perform any changes.
Lists all Devices and Channels that are administrated by this interface.
The checkbox in front of a Channel allows you to start or stop the Channel. This is required, for example, when changing the configuration of a Channel.
Add and remove Devices and Channels by using the Plus (“+”) and Minus (“-”) buttons at the bottom.
Device Status Light
At the left of each Device, there is a Status indicator.
Green: The connection to the Just Connect application could be established.
Red: The connection to the Just Connect application could not be established.
Configuration Area and Tabs
You must unlock the Just Control Configuration panel and stop the channel(s) first to perform any changes.
Click on one of the available tabs to change the setup of a Device or Channel.
Device Configuration Tabs
Select a Device in the “Devices & Channels” list first.
Device: Let you change the IP address of the selected device.
System: Let you save a TOA System Profile.
Activation: Allows you to view or change the Activation information for the selected Device.
Channel Configuration Tabs
Select a Channel in the “Devices & Channels” list first.
Format: Allows you to change more general settings related to the user interface and the output format.
Layers & Engines: Shows the amount and types of activated Layers of the selected Channel.
Repositories: Repositories define the paths to Videos, Graphics, and Playlists that a client can use. The Repository paths will show up in the Library of the just:live/just:play user interface.
As Run-Log: Allows to define the attributes Just Out will write to the As Run-logfile at the end of each Video.
Events: Define Router and GPI Events for the selected Channel by using a serial connection or an Ethernet-based connection. The crosspoints are later defined in the just:live/just:play user interface.
Advanced: Activate and configure advanced functions such as “Redundancy” and the “Default Gap Playlists”.
Just Control Settings - formerPreferences
You can access the Just Control Settings panel via the menu “Just Control → Settings…” (Command-,).
The “Reset Warning Alerts” button allows you to re-enable warnings if they have been previously turned off.
General, Multiviewer
Lockable Inspector (only relevant for just:in ingest solutions)
Automatically Log In Last User: Activate this checkbox to skip the user Login window and to log in with the last recent User and Multi viewer Layout in Just Control.
Mouse Behavior: Define which elements are shown in the Multi viewer interface when the mouse enters or exits a Viewer, or what is shown if a Viewer is shown in Full Screen mode.
Users: Lists all Users who have been defined on this particular machine.
Multi viewer layouts: Shows all layouts that are available for the selected User.
Logging Out
Go to the menu “Just Control → Log Out “username” or use the keyboard shortcut
Adding a New Login User
Go to the menu “Just Control → Log Out “username” or use the keyboard shortcut
Command-Option-Q.To create a new Login User, enter a new Username and Password in the Just Control login window and click on the “Login” button.
Confirm the creation of a new Login User by clicking on the “Add” button. If you do not wish to create a new Login User, click on the “Cancel” button. You will then return to the Login window. A detailed explanation is available in the https://toolsonair.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TST/pages/3580597599 chapter.
(only relevant for just:in ingest solutions)
Settings shown here apply to both just:live and just:play.
Show names for all items in timeline: Shows the names of all items in the Timeline as an overlay. If this option is deactivated, you can still hover over an item in the Timeline to see its name.
Show tooltips in the library: Deactivate this option to disable tooltips in the Library while moving the mouse pointer over entries. This option is enabled by default.
Poster frame cache: Defines the folder where poster frames will be saved. By default, poster frames are saved in the folder Poster Frames inside the Documents folder of the current User. This option is enabled by default. Disable it to suppress the creation of new poster frames in the Workbench.
Default video in-point: Changes the in-point of Videos that are dragged from the Library into a Playlist to the specified timecode value (assuming that the Video contains timecode). This is useful if all of your Videos contain a trailer or countdown before the actual video content starts.
Live preview when dragging the timeline: When enabled, the On Air window updates while dragging the Timeline. Disable this option to improve the overall performance of the user interface.
Automatically refresh dropped playlists: Activating this feature automatically refreshes any Playlists when dragged from the Playlists tab (in the Library) and dropped onto either the Calendar or the Workbench view. This is useful, especially when you have older saved Playlists which do not include the necessary metadata to use the aspect ratio features, and you want to automatically include them when dropping Playlists into the schedule.
On Air view left of preview: When enabled, the On Air View is located to the left of the Preview View.
Video only keyboard mapping (F1/F3): Activate this checkbox to change the way the “F1/F3” keys should work. By default, pressing the “F1” key starts/stops the playout of the first Layer, the “F2” key starts/stops the playout of the second Layer, and so on. When the checkbox is activated, pressing the “F1” key starts the playout of the first Layer, and pressing the F3 key stops the playout. Pressing the “F1” key while an item is playing has no effect in this case.
Default next action for movies: This option allows you to predefine the default end action for every Video that is dropped into the Workbench. This preset can be overruled later for each Video element using the Inspector.
Hold time for 'Hold and Cue Next': This setting allows you to define how long the last frame of a Video will be "held" before the next clip will be cued.
Hold time for 'Hold and Play Next': This setting allows you to define how long the last frame of a Video will be "held" before the next clip will be played.
Default next action for Graphics: This option allows you to predefine the default end action for Graphic elements that are dropped into the Workbench. This preset can be overruled later for each Graphic element using the Inspector.
Workbench double-click action: This defines the action which is executed when double-clicking an item in the Workbench.