just:in 4.0 Release Notes

just:in 4.0 Release Notes

Just In 4.0.2.GM.956 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to use AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • The warnings alert shown when quitting just:control (e.g. when channels are in schedule mode) now has an addition "Do not show again" option to hide the warnings in the future. Additionally the warning are not shown when just:control is quit during a system restart or logout.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.955 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug where very long mxf files may suffered from write errors due to a buffer overflow.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.954 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug where channels weren't restarting under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause System Preferences to crash when opening TOA Preferences on macOS Catalina.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.953 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed issues that sometimes caused channels not to reconnect after restarting just:in linux.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.952 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed issues that sometimes caused channels not to reconnect after restarting just:in mac or just:in linux.
  • When recording scheduled events, the "%Date" and "%Time" tokens are now replaced using the "Full" date and time settings specified in System Preferences ("Language and Region" > "Advanced..." and then "Dates" and "Times"). You can alter the formatting used in System Preferences.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.951 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Stability and bug fixes related to recording live:cut projects.
  • Resolved a bug that sometimes caused just:in channels to fail to connect after stopping and starting a channel in the configuration panel.
  • Resolved a bug that sometimes caused just:in channels to fail to connect after quitting and restarting just:in mac or just:in linux.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.950 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug updating the fields in the inspector after selecting a different naming preset.
  • Resolved an issue connecting multiple just:control clients to a just:in linux channel.
  • Updated just:in mac to the latest AJA drivers and enabled high-frame-rate UHD capture (p50 and p60).

Just In 4.0.2.GM.949 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Performance and stability improvements

Just In 4.0.2.GM.948 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved a bug that resulted in the chunk duration always being set to 2 hours for just:in mac channels regardless of the value entered in just:control.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.947 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved a bug that sometimes resulted in MOV files missing the final few seconds after stopping a recording.
  • Fixed a performance issue recording with "trial mode" (without a license key), particularly with 10-bit SDI input modes.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.946 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved a bug that caused Adobe Premiere to show recorded MOV files with a 5 seconds duration.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.945 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved a crash using Blackmagic input cards under high CPU load.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.944 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug calculating the maximum RAM available for UHD channels.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.943 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Raised the maximum memory limit of a just:in mac channel to 16GB when recording UHD/4K or 4GB in all other cases.
  • The errors shown in a channel's inspector are now only cleared when starting a new recording in "crash" recording mode. In "scheduled" and "batch" recording modes, errors must now be cleared manually by clicking the "Clear All" button in the inspector. This is to prevent errors being "lost" during unattended operation.
  • Improved CPU load performance during recording eliminates CPU throttling / thermal issues on certain systems, in particular the Mac Mini.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.942 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed memory corruption resulting in corrupt frames being recorded under high CPU loads in combination with an AJA capture card.
  • Fixed single channel EtoE mode for AJA cards.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.941 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • It is no longer possible to start a recording if an encoder is not correctly configured (no capture or destination preset selected).
  • Correctly display a channel's IP:port in the multi-viewer when selected.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented using the tab key to move between fields in the "Clip" inspector group.
  • The "Errors" inspector group has been renamed to "Errors and Warnings".
  • Added a "Cancel" button when creating a new live:cut project.
  • Resolved an issue that sometimes resulted in clicking the record button on a viewer leading to the viewer being "dragged".

Just In 4.0.2.GM.940 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug where losing the signal while recording using an AJA card would result in an incorrect timecode upon reconnection. That has been fixed.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.939 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • The input mode "SDI (AJA 4K-2SI)" is now enabled when configuring just:in linux channels.
  • When a just:in linux channel starts recording, errors are now cleared on all just:control interfaces connected to the channel, not just the interface that was used to initiate the recording.
  • Resolved an issue with code signing that resulted in just:control and just:in engine not starting without warnings from mac OS's "Gatekeeper" security system.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.938 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved an issue creating new H.264 capture presets for just:in linux channels where the codec configuration panel did not close when clicking the "Ok" button.
  • The "tab" key can now be used to navigate through the input fields in the multi-viewer inspector.
  • The Applications are now correctly code-signed.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.937 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause corrupt recordings (frame tearing) under certain conditions.

Just In 4.0.1.GM.936 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Enabled additional menu item in the "System" device configuration tab when working with just:in linux devices
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the first capture preset in the configuration panel not correctly displaying an invalid frame-rate.
  • When first connecting a new channel that has no signal, the viewer is now correctly configured.
  • Resolved a bug that could cause capture presets to be unexpectedly updated with different frame-rates and/or resolution when changing devices in the configuration panel.
  • Changing an existing capture preset to UHD now correctly updates the preset.
  • After a channel is restarted, the channel's name in the viewer no longer disappears.
  • When using the group start recording button below the inspector, any channels in scheduled mode no longer start recording. 

Just In 4.0.0.GM.935 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Split recording is working on multiple channels again.
  • Audio Sampling rate is set to 24 as default option now.
  • Improved Memory Management.
  • Adjusted color space values to correct values.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.934 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a Memory Leak.
  • Fixed a bug, where the signal got corrupted after a signal with multiple AJA channels.
  • Adjusted application signing.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.933 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Updated BMD SDK to v11.3.
  • Improved Memory Management.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.932 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Adjust copy protection mechanism.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.931 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug where "empty" (not connected) viewers were displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug where using the record menu item (or its keyboard shortcut) would start a channel recording even if it was in scheduled recording mode.
  • The "schedule", "batch, "error" and "audio monitor" inspector groups are now hidden when two or more channels are selected as these are only available for a single channel.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.930 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • The channel viewers are now more consistent in terms of the elements displayed (timecode, audio bars, buttons) when the channel has no signal or isn't connected depending on whether the channel previously had a signal or was connected, or just:control was started with a disconnected channel or a channel without a signal.
  • Fixed a bug that meant scheduled events were not shown in just:control or sent to the engine.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.929 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • just:in mac's "diagnostics window" is now always shown using the "Dark" mode, even if the system is set to "Light" mode.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in repeated scheduled events only being recorded once.
  • Resolved an issue that could result in just:control not reconnecting to just:in linux channels after a restart of the system.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.928 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug that causes unexpected behaviour after changing a channel's calendar.
  • In the "System" tab, just:in mac devices now have channel logs for the past 3 days.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.927 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • When activating a just:in mac device, the activation status is correctly updated in the configuration panel.
  • Fixed a bug when configuring a just:in linux device using "AJA (HDMI)" input.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.926 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Removed legacy "Additional Contents" from the DMG.
  • The currently selected tab in the configuration panel is now remembered and restored depending on the selected item (e.g. device or channel).
  • Updated the warning displayed when quitting just:control with one or more channels in scheduled recording mode.
  • The version of the selected device is now displayed in the device configuration tab.
  • Saving system profiles is now possible for just:in mac devices via the configuration panel.
  • Fixed issues and bugs related to UHD/4K and HDMI input with just:in mac.
  • The "Activation" tab now properly displays the expiry date if the license has one.
  • When connecting to a just:in mac device, the IP address entered for the device is now used for all channel connections instead of the "best" interface available on the system running just:in mac. This prevents, for example, a WLAN interface being used instead of an ethernet interface.
  • The "continue writing on signal loss" action has been discontinued and removed, any channels using this settings now use the "new recording" option.
  • The preferences panel has been removed from just:in mac and the "fallback frame count" option has been moved to the "Device" configuration tab in just:control.
  • When setting up a just:in linux device in just:control there is a new "HDMI (AJA)" option when using a Kona HDMI card.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a task's script not being saved.
  • Included an updated example metadata set when setting up a new ingest device.
  • Resolved a layout issue when a channel received errors while the "Errors" group in the inspector was closed.
  • When a device was stopped and restarted, scheduled events were not be sent to any channels in schedule mode after reconnecting. This has been fixed.
  • If a channel's toolbar has been switched to display the channel's host:ip, filename or timecode and the channel is disconnected, the toolbar is automatically reset to the channel's name.
  • Removed all 1080p "B" modes for AJA input devices on just:in mac as these modes are no longer supported.
  • After connecting a new just:in mac device the channel activation checkboxes are now correctly disabled for any channels that are currently recording.
  • It is now possible to create capture presets for just:in linux that write H.264/AAC to an MPEG-TS (transport stream) container.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.925 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in just:in mac not reporting any channels when using a Blackmagic input card.
  • Added an error in just:in multi after connecting to a device that reports no channels instead of showing the configuration wizard.
  • Resolved an issue in just:in mac that resulted in the application hanging and requiring a "Force Quit" after deactivating a channel.
  • Updated the copyright year to 2019.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.924 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Internal test release.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.923 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Added AJA SDK 15.2 for more compatible AJA cards.
  • Fixed a bug where enabling multiple AJA channels did result in a stuck channel.
  • Fixed a bug where closed captions weren't detected properly.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.922 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Fixed several bugs related to channel settings (both just:in mac and just:linux) where settings were not properly saved and/or corrupted.
  • When activating or deactivating a channel in the configuration panel the channel is now also selected if not currently selected.
  • When a new Blackmagic input card is used for the first time the default channel names now have an index in addition to the name of the card.
  • Resolved a bug in just:in mac where the diagnostics display sometimes displayed incorrect or unexpected values.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.921 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Special tags in a schedule event's title such as <Channel>, <Date> and <Time> are now properly replaced for events scheduled on a just:in linux channel.
  • When adding a new device to the configuration panel the port is now set to the default value of 5000.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the inspector groups being fixed to the bottom of the view instead of the top.
  • When configuring a device for the first time the device's name is now properly updated in the device table.
  • Resolved a bug that meant that the changing a channel's name had no effect.
  • Fixed a bug using AJA input devices with just:in mac and embedded SDI timecode with framerates above 30fps (e.g. p50, p60).
  • Fixed a memory leak in just:in mac.
  • When changing the selected channel in the configuration panel, any changes to the previously selected channel are now saved assuming the channel is currently updatable.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.920 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • When connecting just:in multi to a device with channels that cannot be matched to a local Calendar, but an existing Calendar matches the channel's name, then the existing Calendar is assigned to the channel instead of creating a new local Calendar.
  • It is no longer to disable (stop) a just:in mac channel that is currently recording.
  • There is a new license option for recording UHD/4K content.
  • The configuration panel has been reworked slightly. Now the top half of the window shows a table of devices and channels (a device can be expanded to show its channels). Selecting a device shows options for the device in the bottom half of the window (e.g. Capture Presets, Destination Presets). Selecting a channel shows options for the channel.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.919 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • When setting up a just:in linux device, there are now three additional options for AJA input cards: "AJA - 4x 4K-Quad", "AJA - 4K-2SI" and "AJA - 12G". These are relevant when you are intending to capure UHD or 4K, depending on the model of card in use.
  • With this build just:in linux channels also support scheduled recording mode by connecting to a Calendar on the system running just:in multi.
  • When a new calendar is selected for a channel in the configuration panel, the scheduled events are correctly updated when the channel is restarted.
  • The "stop on timecode" controls in the Inspector are now correctly hidden for all recording modes other than crash recording.
  • Fixed a bug using just:in mac channels after adding a new capture preset, removing it and then adding again. Now the selection for the capture and destination presets are correctly empty after adding for a second time, and you must configure them before recording.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.918 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • In previous version just:in mac (i.e. the "Engine") created and connected to a local calendar for scheduled recording. From this version onwards, just:in multi (i.e. the "User Interface") now creates and connects to a local calendar. This means that to edit scheduled events, you should open Apple's Calendar app on the system running the just:in multi. Further, the calendar is only monitored for changes while just:in multi is running, so a warning has been added when quitting if one or more channels are in scheduled recording mode. It is recommended that you leave just:in multi running whenever you are using scheduled recording. This change means that scheduled recording will also be supported for just:in linux channels in the near future.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause recordings using AVFoundation on network attached storage to stop recording after a short period of time.
  • If the input device (AJA or Blackmagic) drops frames using just:in mac, errors are now logged in just:in multi.
  • Fixed a bug resulting in incorrect timecodes using embedded timecode with frame-rates higher than 30fps.
  • Capture presets recording to MP4 containers now record according to the MP4 specification, meaning that timecode can no longer be recorded. If you require timecode, please use an AVFoundation (MOV) capture preset.
  • Added an additional setting to metadata presets allowing the file extension to be specified, for example "json" if the metadata export writes JSON instead of XML. For this reason, "XML" destination paths have also been renamed to "Metadata" paths.
  • Resolved an issue where removing a capture preset from a channel resulted in unexpected behaviour.
  • Starting "quicklook" for a single channel now correctly sorts the channels according to their order in the "Connections" tab. This means that if you select the third channel of four in quicklook the third of the four channel "dots" will be selected.
  • Added space between the "fixed" metadata controls in Inspector (the metadata preset and "write at..." selection) and the "dynamic" controls (those associated with the selected metadata preset).
  • Added three new metadata types: date, time and date/time. These types have standard date and/or time entry controls in Inspector. Additionally, the date entry controls can be expanded into the larger "graphical" date picker for easy selection of dates.
  • When recording the metadata controls are now correctly disabled under certain circumstances. The "write at..." selection cannot be changed once recording, and if metadata is written at the start then all other controls are also disabled during recording.
  • Removed legacy capture preset codecs for just:in mac, those only supported by legacy 32-bit QuickTime that Apple have now formally deprecated.
  • Fixed a display error for channels that were disconnected while displaying errors.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.917 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Fixed a bug on "clean systems" where just:in mac wasn't previously installed that lead to the Schedule Mode failing. Specifically, the user was never prompted to allow just:in mac access to Calendars. Now when running just:in mac for the first time on a "clean" system, you will be prompted to grant access to Calendars.
  • In the case that just:in mac isn't able to access Calendars, a warning is now displayed to the effect that Schedule Mode will not work.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in multiple calendars being created for the same channel (i.e. calendars with the same name).
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes lead to the "status" window in just:in mac (displaying the active channels and memory usage) remaining empty although one or more channels were active and running.

Just In 4.0.0.B1.916 Release Notes

  • This is a 4.0.0 Beta pre-release.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Updated the "Quicklook" feature with new rules. If you have selected two or more channels before entering Quicklook, then those channels will be available to switch between using the left and right cursor keys, or clicking on the channel "dots". When selecting a channel, the Inspector will show the settings for just that channel, not the full selection. When exiting Quicklook, the original selection is restored. If you have a single channel selected before entering Quicklook, then all connected channels will available in Quicklook to switch between. When exiting Quicklook, the currently selected channel then remains selected.
  • When in "Quicklook", the channel "dots" now change colour when a channel starts or stops recording.
  • In the Connections Manager panel, any capture presets that do not match the device's current framerate and are therefore invalid (and will not be shown in the Inspector for any given channel) are now marked red in the preset list, and the preset's framerate is also displayed for reference.
  • When using an AJA input card combined with Computer Timecode, the timecode is now correctly synchronised for all channels sharing the same hardware.
  • After recording a live:cut project, the marker list is also cleared along with the EDL list.
  • When writing with an AVFoundation / MP4 capture preset, just:in mac now writes MP4 files that conform to the MP4 standard instead of MOV files with the "mp4" file extension. This excludes some features from being written with MP4 capture presets, most notably timecode.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.915 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • It is no longer possible to define fallback paths in a destination preset for just:in linux devices, as this is not currently supported.
  • Removed some legacy unused options from just:in mac channels.
  • Added a button to the "Markers" tab when no marker presets are defined. Clicking this button opens the configuration panel with the markers preset tab selected.
  • When double-clicking a device in the "Connections" tab, when the configuration panel is shown the channels tab is now automatically selected.
  • just:in mac channels using AJA hardware now have the same timecode when using Computer Time timecode.
  • The "Quicklook" mode (pressing the spacebar on a selected channel) now supports multiple channels. In this case, small "dots" are shown below the currently shown channel, one for each selected channel. The left and right cursor keys can be used to move between the selected channels, or the mouse can be used to select one of the "dots" and select the channel directly.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.914 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Reference movies have now been offically discontinued and all options have therefore been removed from just:in mac.
  • Removed Avid DNxHD, Avid IMX50 and HQX codecs from just:in mac as these will no longer be supported in the future release of macOS. Please see https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209000 for more information.
  • Firewire and Miranda Little Red are no longer supported as LTC timecode input devices in just:in mac and have therefore been removed.
  • It is no longer possible to drag multiple channel viewers in order to reorder them (you can still drag multiple channels to the Groups inspector tab). Only single channel viewers can be dragged and dropped onto other viewers to reorder them.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a delay of a few seconds when quitting just:in multi.
  • Fixed an issue that caused viewers to fail to reconnect to channels after they restarted due to signal loss.
  • Fixed a crash exporting a live:cut project after recording.
  • When opening a previously saved live:cut project, just:in multi now correctly displays the project's EDL list.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.913 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Use correct spacing for the icons in a channel viewer's "status indicator" when recording or showing errors.
  • For just:in linux channels using an AJA input card, the "Continue writing on signal loss" option is now disabled, and the default option is to restart the channel when the signal comes back.
  • When configuring a device for the first time, it is now required to select at least one capture preset.
  • The old "script" feature in just:in mac has been replaced with "Tasks" defined in the configuration panel, and now matches the features available previously for just:in linux. Specifcally, you can now define multiple tasks instead of just one, tasks can be executed at the start or end of recording, and all metadata fields can be used in a task instead of just the filename.
  • Fixed a bug in just:in mac where defining a stop timecode of 00:00:00:00 resulted in the recording being stopped immediately. Now the channel will continue recording until midnight.
  • just:in mac channels now support audio channel mapping in capture presets.
  • Added ProRes capture presets for UHD when using just:in mac.
  • When dragging and dropping channels from the "Connections" tab to the viewers, any viewers that are already connected will be excluded from the drop, only disconnected viewers may be connected by dropping channels this way.
  • The "24" input button in a live:cut project was not hidden when starting a live:cut project with fewer than 24 channels. This has been fixed.
  • When adding a new marker to a marker preset, the new marker is now automatically selected in the table.
  • Improved performance in just:in mac, particularly when capturing UHD inputs and/or using AJA cards.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.912 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Showing or hiding the audio bars for a channel viewer is now "multi-selection aware", meaning that when you have selected more than one channel, showing or hiding the audio bars will show or hide them for all of the selected channels.
  • When configuring destination presets for just:in mac channels, you now use the standard "Finder" selection window instead of typing in the path.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented creating new naming presets for just:in mac channels.
  • Improved keyboard shortcut matching when assigning shortcuts to prevent conflicts with existing shortcuts.
  • When using the "TC + Name" mode for a channel viewer, the name label is truncated in the middle with "..." if the name is too long to fit in the given space.
  • Added a new "Log / Error" table in the "Batch" inspector group. During batch recording, logs and errors specific to the batch recording will be displayed here.
  • For just:in linux channels, the capture preset configuration has a new "Audio Mapping" feature. Enabling this for a capture preset opens a window allowing you to define a matrix specifying how input audio channels should be mapped to channels in the recorded file(s).
  • Fixed a bug that meant that new just:in linux channels had incorrect preview settings (very low quality). Now the correct default values are used.
  • When changing the preview quality for just:in mac or linux channels using the slider in the channel configuration, the label next to the slider is now correctly updated with the new value.
  • Reduced slightly the size of the status "lights" in the inspector's connection tab.
  • When adding a new device to the configuration panel, the default port is now set to 5000.
  • The group "opened/closed" disclosure buttons are now properly aligned with the group's title.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.910 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Introduced a new feature: marker presets. In the "Manage Connections" panel you can now define one or more marker presets. Each preset can have one or more markers defined, each with a name, comment and keyboard shortcut. There is also an additional "Markers" tab in the inspector, and once a marker preset is defined and you select a single channel you can then select one of the marker presets to be active for the selected channel. Once a marker preset is selected and the channel is recording, you can add markers by using the keyboard shortcuts (if defined), the "Markers" menu in the "Channels" menu, or the "Insert" buttons in the inspector. The current list of markers will be shown for the channel, and the marker names and comments can be changed in the inspector as long as the channel is recording. Once the recording is stopped, the markers will be written as Adobe XMP metadata either to the file itself (for MOV files) or as a sidecar files (for MXF files). When the file is imported into Adobe Premiere Pro, the markers will be automatically imported with the media.
  • Updated the Blackmagic drivers to the latest 11.0 version. Please install version 11.0 of Blackmagic Desktop Video when using this build of just:in mac.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.909 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Fixed a bug that under certain circumstances resulted in the timecode and channel name in "Timecode + Name" mode being black instead of white.
  • When dragging a device from the "Connections" tab to the multi-viewer, only disconnected channels are considered for dropping. For example, dragging a device with 4 channels (2 connected, 2 disconnected) now correctly highlights 2 channels for dropping in the multi-viewer, not 4.
  • It is now possible to record "Avid OP-Atom MXF" capture presets using just:in mac.
  • Resolved an issue for new devices/channels that could result in the new channel not connecting once placed in the multi-viewer.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.908 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • The table in the "Connections" tab now allows multiple items to be selected, which in turn also enables the cmd-A "Select All" menu item.
  • Adjusted the sizes of the channel viewer timecodes slightly.
  • Fixed an issue when quitting just:in multi after selecting "Split To Any" but without selecting a layout that caused unexpected results and/or crashes after starting just:in multi again.
  • After selecting "Split To Any" and selecting a layout, the resulting layout is now correct. Previously the layout was only correct after a resize of the window.
  • Fixed several bugs (e.g. incorrect colours) related to "Force Dark Mode" or "Force Light Mode" in just:in multi's preferences where the system preference was the opposite setting.
  • The "Split 2x2", "Split To Any" and "Join" menu items are now correctly disabled when these commands are not available.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.907 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • When clicking either the "timecode" or "audio bars" button underneath the preview, the channel will also now be selected. If you click holding the "cmd" key, the channel will be added to the current selection instead of replacing it.
  • Fixed some issues related to updating just:in mac from older versions to 4.0. 
  • When configuring a just:in mac channel (e.g. an AJA device), the configuration panel now shows any warnings correctly (e.g. no video mode or audio sample size selected).
  • The size of the channel "status overlay" (e.g. "RECORDING") now has slightly different sizes depending on the size of the channel viewer. Additionally, the "short" version of the status (e.g. "REC" instead of "RECORDING") was sometimes being used even if there was enough space for the full status. This has been fixed.
  • When holding down the "alt" key on a recording channel, the "split record" button is now shown for all selected and recording channels, not just the channel that the mouse is currently over.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.906 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • In just:in multi's preferences there is a new "Fullscreen" action available for the timecode and audio bars. This allows you to specify if timecode and audiobars are shown or hidden when a channel is in "Quicklook" or "Fullscreen" mode (ie. after pressing the spacebar).
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to unexpected behaviour when selecting multiple channels in the multi-viewer by holding the "cmd" key and clicking on a viewer's audio bars.
  • Resolved some issues that resulted in the channel previews "stuttering" or "stalling".
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the audio bars showing incorrect levels for just:in linux channels.
  • It is now possible to record AVC-Intra and XAVC capture presets.
  • If you have either Compressor or Final Cut X installed on the system running just:in mac it is now possible to record capture presets supported by those applications (e.g. DVCPro HD, IMX).
  • Destination presets with "Reference Movie" paths are now supported again.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in unexpected behaviour after disconnecting a channel with "No Signal" and then reconnecting it.
  • The "BMCM USB PIO" GPI device is no longer supported by live:cut projects.
  • The selection in the multi-viewer and "Connections" tab are now synchroised. For example, selecting a channel in the multi-viewer will select it in the Connections tab, and vice-versa.
  • Fixed some issues related to updating just:in mac from older versions to 4.0. 

Just In 4.0.0.A1.905 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Double-clicking an item in the "Connections" tab will now execute the item's "action" such as connect, disconnect or configure.
  • It is now possible to drag a device from the "Connections" tab to the multi-viewer in order to connect all of the device's channels at once. If there are more viewers available than channels, you can tap the "Alt" key to choose between the different available layouts.
  • When new devices are detected by just:in mac, they are now assigned correct ports to avoid conflicts and the resulting unexpected behaviour.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.904 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Naming Conventions are now called Naming Presets to match other presets such as Destination and Capture Presets.
  • The viewer now displays the correct closed captions icon when captions are detected on the input.
  • There is a new "View" menu with items related to the view such as showing the inspector and a renamed "Manage Connections" (previously "Manage Channels"). This menu also has menu items to select the inspector tabs with keyboard shortcuts so it is possible to switch the tabs without using the mouse.
  • The connection tab's table now has a configure "row action" (swipe right) for devices. This opens the "Manage Connections" window with the relevant device selected.
  • There is a new "Split To Any" menu item in the "Channels" menu that allows you to split any viewer into any number of viewers using the "visual grid". The old "Split" menu item has been renamed "Split to 4 (2x2)" and as before splits a viewer into 4.
  • When dragging viewers in the multi-viewer the dragged images are updated with live video from the channel.
  • It is no longer necessary to restart just:in mac after activating it in just:in multi's "Manage Connections" window. Simply re-starting the channels now reflects the new license status.
  • When entering "full-screen viewer" on a channel (selecting a channel and pressing the spacebar), the inspector is now opened automatically if it was closed. Closing full-screen viewer then automatically closes the inspector.
  • When entering or exiting "full-screen viewer" on a channel (selecting a channel and pressing the spacebar), any preset "popovers" (e.g. capture or destination preset summaries) are now automatically hidden.
  • The preset "popover" summary for H.264 capture presets now correctly shows "Custom" as the "TV Norm" instead of "UHD i/p60".

Just In 4.0.0.A1.903 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • Fixed multiple issues related to adding or removing devices and/or activating or deactivating channels in the channel configuration panel and the resulting connections displayed in the "Connections" Inspector tab.
  • When disconnecting a channel, it will be removed from any groups.
  • Fixed a bug that displayed incorrect "path types" in the destination preset popover window.
  • Added a new "Disconnect All and Reset Layout" menu item to the "Channels" menu in just:in multi that disconnects all channels, clears the current layout and returns to the "layout selection" tool allowing you to select a new channel layout.
  • Double-clicking the "Destination Preset" label in the Inspector or a path in the destination preset popover window now opens Finder at the given path.
  • Clicking on the channel viewer's "toolbar label" now displays a menu with the options instead of cycling through the modes. There is a new "Timecode" option that displays the channel's master timecode in the toolbar. This is an alternative to displaying the timecode over the channel's preview.
  • The Inspector's "recording mode" popup button now has the options disabled for any modes not supported by the selected channel or channels.
  • The preferences panel in just:in multi has three additional options related to the appearance used in the window. The default is "Force Dark Mode" which means that the window will be shown using macOS Mojave's new Dark Mode, even if the system is set to use Light Mode. Additionally there is a "Force Light Mode" option that forces the window to use Light Mode even if the system is set to use "Dark Mode". Finally there is a third option that uses the current system setting.
  • The preferences panel in just:in multi also has a new option to enable Inspector locking. When enabled, move the mouse over the Inspector's "Close" button and hold the "alt" key to change the icon to a lock. Click while holding the "alt" key to lock the inspector prevening any changes being made. To unlock the Inspector, again "alt"-click the "Close" button.
  • The preferences panel in just:in multi now requires a System Administator to unlock it before making any changes to the preferences.
  • It is now possible to show the activation panel in the channel configuration panel even without unlocking the panel, thus allowing you to view a device's machine ID. However, you must first unlock the panel and stop all channels to enter a new activation code.
  • When connecting a channel to a viewer (e.g. dragging and dropping a channel from the "Connections" tab), the viewer is first properly disconnected from its channel before connecting the new channel.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.902 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • The channel "viewer" has a new look and feel. The channel "mode" (crash, batch, schedule) selector has been replaced with an on/off button for the audio bars. The "capture" and "destination" preset buttons can be clicked to reveal a summary of the channel's current capture and destination presets.
  • Various colours have been changed to use system defined colours.
  • There are new keyboard shortcuts mapped to the new "Start Recording" and "Stop Recording" buttons beneath the inspector.
  • Tables in the inspector are now limited to a maximum of 10 rows (e.g. batch jobs, errors). Beyond 10 rows you can scroll the table to reveal additional rows.
  • The channel "status" (e.g. "RECORDING") now always displays error warning icons regardless of the current status.
  • The channel "status" now has additional "short" labels (e.g. "REC" instead of "RECORDING") when the viewer is too small to display the normal status.
  • When initially starting just:in multi for the first time there is a new visual layout tool that allows you to select your initial layout for the channels (e.g. 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 or any combination up to 8x8 or 64 channels).

Just In 4.0.0.A1.901 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.
  • The inspector has been completely reworked to use the native macOS Mojave "Dark mode".
  • The inspector is now "tabbed" with the "Settings" tab the channel settings as with the inspector in 3.5 and earlier.
  • There is an additional "Groups" tab that allows groups of channels to be defined. One or more channels may be selected, dragged from the viewer area and dropped onto the groups inspector to create a new group. A keyboard shortcut can be assigned to a group to allow quick selection of a group of channels.
  • There is an additional "Connections" tab that replaces the old "Connections" window in 3.5 and earlier. The connections inspector shows currently activated devices and channels. Channels may be dragged from the connections inspector and dropped on the viewer area to connect and view a channel.
  • When closing the inspector, the available tabs are then displayed vertically in a strip of icons. Clicking a specific icon will re-open the inspector with the given tab selected, allowing quick access to any section of the inspector.
  • Audio monitoring is now available in live:cut. The audio will be monitored on the first channel in the live:cut project.
  • Beneath the inspector there is a drop-down menu to select from the list of current groups and buttons to stop and start recording. Note that unlike the "toggle recording" action, clicking the "stop" button will stop any selected channels that are currently recording, but not start any new recordings. Equally, the "record" button will start any selected channels recording that are not currently recording.

Just In 4.0.0.A1.900 Release Notes

  • This is an early Alpha version of just:in 4.0 and may contain bugs, missing and/or incomplete features. As such it is intended for evaluation and testing purposes and not for production environments.
  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:in multi App). To configure an engine, start just:in multi and select "Manage Channels" from the "Channel" menu.

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