Version 2.5: Important Notes

Version 2.5: Important Notes

For Customers with more than 5000 Video files in a single Folder

Starting with version 2.5, we will generate an .xml sidecar file for every movie which is stored in one of the repository folders. Because of this, scrolling in the Library of the user interface can take slightly longer compared to previous versions until all sidecar files are generated. Once this has been done, the speed of the Library will be much faster compared to v.2.0 or older. In case a movie is added/removed or changed, the content of the whole folder has to be scanned to update the Library. During our tests we have seen, that this can take a few seconds in case there are more than 5000 files in a folder. Because of this we recommend to limit the amount of movies which are saved in a single folder to not more than 5000 files.

For Customers Updating from Previous Versions to v2.5 or higher

  • Starting with version v1.8 the activation is no longer done on the machine running just:out, but on the machine running just:connect. This means that all customers with a valid maintenance contract who would like to update to v2.5.x from an version older than v1.8.x should contact ToolsOnAir at orders@toolsonair.com to make sure the new license key will be made using the right machine ID.
  • All customers upgrading from a previous version need a new v2.5 activation code to be able to play out using just:out without a watermark.

Thank you – The ToolsOnAir Support team: http://support.toolsonair.com

For Customers using the Event Option

Starting with version 1.8, event devices such as GPI output or video routers are defined for a channel in just:connect. In previous versions this was done in just:out. If you have defined any event devices in a previous version using just:out and you would like to reuse them in v1.8, you will need to import them into the relevant channel in just:connect.

  1. To import previous event devices you must run the TOA System Checker on the machine running just:out v1.7.1 or earlier before you install any of the other applications via drag & drop.
  2. Navigate to the Library folder in the Finder. Use the Go menu in the Finder while holding the alt-key and select Library.
  3. Select the Preferences folder and locate the file com.toolsonair.Just_Out.plist. Copy this file to the system running just:connect.
  4. Then – after starting just:connect – select Import just:out 1.7 Settings from the Help menu and select the com.toolsonair.Just_Out.plist file you copied before. 
  5. Any event devices from the settings file will then be imported into the selected channel.

Please → contact ToolsOnAir in case you need help to save your Events.

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