[JIM] Metadata and Naming Presets with Custom Overlays v.6.5
In earlier versions of just:in mac, it was already feasible to merge Metadata and Naming Presets. However, with the introduction of Custom Overlays in version 6.0, metadata values can now be accessed within Overlays. This enhancement allows for seamless integration of all elements in a single workflow.
This Workflow Description offers valuable guidance for integrating these elements effectively. The provided examples can serve as a helpful starting point for tailoring the integration to suit individual use cases.
To effectively follow the instructions, it is necessary to have a functioning just:in mac setup with at least one channel. The setup should include a valid signal, which can either be SDI or NDI®.
The initial step in this use case is to create a Metadata Preset, which serves as the primary entry point for data. The Naming Preset will then be derived from the selected Metadata values and may include additional static variables. Furthermore, the Custom Overlay will have access to the Metadata values, allowing for seamless integration.
Metadata Preset
Below is an illustrative example of the Metadata Preset, providing a visual representation of how it appears in the user interface (“StartUpXML”) and the actual exported metadata sidecar file (“ExportXML”).
Please note that this particular page does not provide detailed instructions on creating Metadata Presets or the specific rules to follow. For comprehensive information on how to create Metadata Presets, we recommend referring to the relevant section in the User Manual. It will provide you with the necessary guidance and instructions.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<control resetAfterRecord="1" default="">
<type class="Selection">
<control resetAfterRecord="1" default="">
<type class="Text" default=""></type>
It is important to pay special attention to the two name XML attributes (“quality” and “customText”) mentioned above, as they will be utilised in subsequent steps of this Workflow description.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<file name="%Just_In_Clipname" path="%Just_In_Full_Clipname" duration="%Just_In_Capture_Duration">
The provided “StartUpXML” generates two elements, namely a selection box and a text field, within the Inspector of the Just Control. To get a more profound understanding of their appearance in the user interface, please refer to the image below.
Once the Metadata Preset has been configured and set up, the next step is to create a Naming Preset based on the selected Metadata Preset.
Naming Preset
Naming Presets, like all other just:in mac Presets, can be conveniently created within the Just Control Configuration panel. In this panel, you have the option to configure a new Naming Preset that is based on the Metadata values. Moreover, you can also include static variables, such as the Channel Name. To connect Metadata variables, simply use the exclamation mark "!". For more specific instructions and visual guidance, please refer to the screenshot below.
As mentioned above, you can reference a Metadata value by its specific name within the “StartUpXML”. By using the exclamation mark, you can indicate that a Naming Preset value corresponds to a Metadata value. Now, let's explore how this functionality operates within the Just Control user interface.
Upon selecting the new Naming Preset, it automatically verifies whether the corresponding Metadata fields have been properly configured. If the Metadata fields are adjusted accordingly, the resulting file name will be displayed as a confirmation.
This workflow enables the utilization of Metadata Presets to automate the file naming process for recordings. In the final step, Custom Overlays will have access to the dedicated Metadata values as well. Additionally, the Proxy file will be utilised to visualise and facilitate this process.
Custom Overlays
Lastly, we will create a new Capture Preset to facilitate the creation of Proxy files and enable the Custom Overlay feature. To accomplish this, open the Just Control Configuration panel once again, navigate to the “Capture Presets” tab, and proceed to create a new Preset based on the “H.264” codec (Custom Overlay feature is not enabled yet).
The Custom Overlay feature relies on a specially formatted JSON file, typically created by ToolsOnAir and shared with customers to align with their specific workflows. Below is an example of such a JSON file, which enables the selected Capture Preset to overlay the two Metadata values mentioned earlier.
"components": [
"insets": {
"bottom": 0,
"top": 0,
"left": 0,
"right": 0
"w": 500,
"h": 50,
"font": {
"name": ".SFNS-Regular",
"size": 40
"x": 50,
"outline-width": -1,
"y": 50,
"draws-background": false,
"hidden-when-empty": false,
"background-colour": {
"r": 0,
"b": 0,
"g": 0,
"a": 0.5
"metadata-value": {
"prefix": "",
"accepts-number": true,
"key": "quality",
"type": "datavalue",
"accepts-string": true,
"retain-previous-on-empty": true,
"minimum-integer-digits": 0,
"maximum-integer-digits": 42,
"minimum-fraction-digits": 0,
"maximum-fraction-digits": 1
"type": "text",
"corner-radius": 0,
"alpha": 1,
"layer": 1,
"hidden": false,
"outline-colour": {
"r": 0,
"b": 0,
"g": 0,
"a": 1
"text-colour": {
"r": 1,
"b": 1,
"g": 1,
"a": 1
"alignment": 0
"insets": {
"bottom": 0,
"top": 0,
"left": 0,
"right": 0
"w": 1500,
"h": 50,
"font": {
"name": ".SFNS-Regular",
"size": 40
"x": 50,
"outline-width": -1,
"y": 110,
"draws-background": false,
"hidden-when-empty": false,
"background-colour": {
"r": 0,
"b": 0,
"g": 0,
"a": 0.5
"metadata-value": {
"prefix": "",
"accepts-number": true,
"key": "customText",
"type": "datavalue",
"accepts-string": true,
"retain-previous-on-empty": true,
"minimum-integer-digits": 0,
"maximum-integer-digits": 42,
"minimum-fraction-digits": 0,
"maximum-fraction-digits": 1
"type": "text",
"corner-radius": 0,
"alpha": 1,
"layer": 1,
"hidden": false,
"outline-colour": {
"r": 0,
"b": 0,
"g": 0,
"a": 1
"text-colour": {
"r": 1,
"b": 1,
"g": 1,
"a": 1
"alignment": 0
"async-data-updates": false
After creating the JSON file, you can enable it for the desired Capture Preset within the Just Control Configuration panel. To do so, simply enable the Custom Overlay Checkbox and choose the respective JSON file.
Once this step is completed, return to the Just Control user interface and proceed to create a second Capture ID. Select the newly created “H.264 Capture Preset” and select a specific Destination Preset. Adjust the Metadata values as needed, and finally, initiate the Recording process.
At this point, you can stop the recording process and proceed to verify the presence of Custom Overlays in the Proxy file. To do so, open the recorded MP4 file using Apple’s QuickTime Player.