6.2 Working with Folders (v.5.x)

A Show can have one or several Folders. They help you to add structure and organize your data.

Adding a Folder

  1. Go to the Folder list in the Workbench.

  2. Add a folder by pressing the Plus (“+”) button at the bottom of the Folder list. Alternatively, you can select New Folder (“Command + Shift + N”) in the “File” menu.

Renaming a Folder

  1. Go to the Folder list in the Workbench.

  2. Select the Folder you want to rename.

  3. Go to the Inspector.

  4. Rename the Folder in the Name field.

Removing a Folder

Removing a Folder from a show does not remove the media from the disk. Moreover, having the same media loaded into another Folder does not change the content of that Folder.

  1. Go to the Folder list in the Workbench.

  2. Select the Folder you want to delete. 

  3. Press the “Backspace” key on your keyboard.

  4. The Folder will be removed, but the items inside the Folder will not be deleted from the disk.

Folder Attributes

Select the Folder to change its Attributes in the Inspector. Please refer to Chapter 4.4 Inspector (v.5.x) | Folder Specific Attributes for more information.

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