7.3 Image Components (Composition Builder v.5.0)
Image Sequences require a lot of power to be processed in realtime. Therefore, we recommend using the minimum pixel size required to show the content.
Using Images “from Folder” make sure that the Just Out engine application on your Playout machine has “Full Disk Access” ACTIVATED in the macOS System Preference “Security & Privacy” tab. For macOS Ventura, macOS Sonoma and higher: “System Settings → Privacy & Security → Full Disk Access”
Opens a file chooser dialog where an image file can be selected. Once accepted, you can see and change the image in the drop-zone in the Inspector. Note that images that are added with this Component are embedded into the composition. This means your composition file grows when using many and/or large images, but it can be opened on any system without file referencing issues. A side effect of this is that images that have been embedded cannot be extracted from a composition any more, so please ensure that you keep your source files.
Image With Mask
Same as the “Image” component, but additionally offers a mask that can be defined in the Inspector.
Image Slideshow From Folder
Displays images from a defined folder in a slideshow with a cross-fade animation. The slideshow always loops.
Image Sequence From Folder
Displays images from a defined folder in a sequence, where each image is shown for the length of one frame.
Image From URL
Loads an image from a specified URL (filesystem, network, web). If the specified URL is not valid, nothing will be displayed.
Image From XML
With this Component, it is possible to display an image depending on an XML file. Inside the XML file, the image paths are defined. You need to define the URL to the XML file and the XPath in the Inspector. The desired image is selected with an XPath statement. The image provided in the XML file will be projected on the given area of this Component. Therefore, it is a good idea to scale your images before loading them via the XML file. A practical solution is to create a fixed projection area, i.e. fixed dimensions for all images provided here. By default, this Component uses the files contained in the folder “/Applications/Composition Builder/Extras/Image from XML Sample”.
Image From XML (No Caching)
Same as the “Image from XML” Component, but this one does not cache parsed data at all, which means there is more overhead when using this Component, but it will always stay up-to-date (also depending on the “Refresh Period”). Using many instances of this component may lead to Playout latency (eventually resulting in alternating Playout and/or rejection by the Just Out engine). A refresh period that often polls data may add to this behaviour. In contrast, the normal “Image from XML” component can be used for data where “up-to-date ness” is not a top priority. Note that both Components definitely update when the composition is loaded the first time.
Automated Image From XML
This Component can parse an XML file that contains image paths. It can then display multiple images in a row (similar to the “Image Slideshow from Folder” component). A placeholder is used to dynamically change the XPath which has been set in the Inspector.
Automated Image From XML (No Caching)
Same as the “Automated Image from XML” Component, but this one does not cache parsed data at all, which means there is more overhead when using this Component, but it will always stay up-to-date (also depending on the “Refresh Period”). Using many instances of this Component may lead to Playout latency (eventually resulting in alternating Playout and/or rejection by the Just Out engine). A refresh period that often polls data may add to this behaviour. In contrast, the normal “Automated Image from XML” Component can be used for data where “up-to-date ness” is not a top priority. Note that both Components definitely update when the composition is loaded the first time.
Just Out Engine Output
This Component can be used to display the content of the Video Layer of just:play/just:live. As the Video layer content is rendered onto a standard Rectangle, it can be transformed and animated like all other Components. Please note that the video output is only shown when a composition is in the Playout. The preview of Composition Builder only shows a Placeholder image. In addition, all realtime aspect ratio conversions which may have been applied to the Video using the Inspector of just:play/live, will be ignored.