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Authorise yourself by clicking the Make Changes Button button to adjust any Settings.


Confirm stop recording

This is a security safety feature to avoid unindented recording stops. When enabled, a Recording can only be stopped by pressing the Record button a second time within 5 seconds after it has been first pressed. This feature concerns all recording modes (Batch, Crash and Schedule).

When pressing the recording button for the first time Record button once, a check mark appears and then you have to press again to . Press it again within 5 seconds to really stop the recording process. Otherwise the recording will continue.

Lockable Inspector

When activating this feature , the Inspector is locked for unindented access, which means only users with admin access can change settings within the Inspector.

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If you want to unlock the Inspector, move with the mouse to the "Close"-Button of the Inspector and when the mouse pointer is on the "Close"-Button hold down the Option-Key and the "Close"-Button will change to a Unlock-Symbol with which you can unlock the Inspector.


With the Appearance Setting you can adjust the overall look&feel of the just:in User Interface. You can either force the macOS Dark or Light Mode or you can use the System Setting.

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The appropriate System Setting can be found within the System Preferences in the General Pref Pane. Here two Preferences can be used to change the appearance of just:in:

  • Appearance
  • Accent colour

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Unlocking the Inspector

Click the Close button of the Inspector while holding down the option key. You will notice that the Close button turns into a Lock while holding down the option key. This indicates that the Inspector can be unlocked. You need to enter the admin credentials to finally unlock the Inspector.

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Allows you to switch between the macOS Dark or Light Mode. The just:in User Interface is optimized for Dark Mode.

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just:in uses the macOS system wide Appearance and Accent color, which is set in the System Preferences → General pane.

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For instance you may use the Dark Mode and Blue as Accent colour, which makes the User Interface look like this.

Mouse Behaviour
