[JIM] Release Notes v.6.2


  • Stability improvements related to the REST API.


  • Updated Blackmagic ATEM drivers to 9.3.3. If you are using events with an ATEM device, please update your drivers to this version.


  • Fixed corrupt audio using an external audio devices in some circumstances.


  • Updated the DNxHD encoder for improved performance and stability.


  • When configuring an SDI channel, there is a new “External” audio input option, and the “input number” popup has been replaced with a “Configure” button that opens a secondary panel. This panel can be used to set the channel’s SDI input (when SDI is selected) or the audio device and delay if “External” is selected. In this case the audio from the input device is replaced with audio from the external audio device with the given delay (in video frames).

  • When configuring an NDI channel, there is a new selection for audio input with “Auto” (audio from the NDI source) and “External” options available (see above).

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