[JIMLN] Adjust the Channel Viewer Area v.6.x

On this page, you will learn:

  • how to Change/Adjust the Multi Viewer Layout

  • how to Split and Join Channel Viewers

  • and how to Reset the current layout

Adjust a Multi Viewer Layout

The Channel Viewer Area can be customised so that it fits the operator's needs. Go to the “View” menu and select “Disconnect All And Reset Layout”. Then use the mouse to select the appropriate number of Channel Viewers, and then click on the bottom right Channel Viewer when you're done.

Note that you have to finish that step by clicking on a single Channel Viewer area, as indicated by the orange arrow in the above screenshots.

Default 3x3 multi-viewer layout

In this example, we will use the Default “3x3” multi-viewer layout. Open the Inspector by clicking on the highlighted blue icon on the right side of the Just In Mac Lite NDI application and switch to the “Connections” tab.

Then you can add available Channels to the Channel Viewer area. Just drag and drop a Channel to a free Channel Viewer or drag and drop the Device to the Channel Viewer Area.

Split and Join a Channel Viewer

You can split each Channel Viewer into four or more Channel Viewers to be able to add more Channels to the multi-viewer area. You can either use the “Split To 4 (2x2)” or the “Split To Any” option within the “View” menu of the Just In Mac Lite NDI application.

Please note that you need to select a Channel Viewer first to use one of the mentioned options above.

Channel Viewer - Split To 4 (2x2)

Select a Channel Viewer and select “Split To 4 (2x2)” within the “View” menu, or use the keyboard shortcut “Command + Shift + S” to split the selected Channel Viewer into four new Channel Viewers.

You can apply the same step(s) with already connected Channels.

Channel Viewer - Split To Any

Select a Channel Viewer and select “Split To Any” within the “View” menu, or use the keyboard shortcut “Command + Option + Shift + S” to split the selected Channel Viewer into multiple new Channel Viewers.

Channel Viewer - Join

Select a Channel Viewer, go to the “View” menu, and use the “Join” option or use the keyboard shortcut “Command + Shift + J” to join specific Channel Viewers.

Reset Layout

To reset the current layout, use the “Disconnect All and Reset Layout” option in the “View” menu of the Just In Mac Lite NDI application. This option disconnects all currently connected Channels and resets the current layout so that you can start from scratch by selecting a new Multi Viewer Layout.

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