Dashboard (just:store v4.0)

Table of Contents

Accessing the Dashboard

Read the article to access the dashboard.

The Dashboard

The just:store dashboard offers a quick overview about the most important parts of your just:store system.

System Overview

The system overview at the top displays vital information about your just:store hardware. Depending on your hardware configuration the displayed information may differ.

RAID Information

This area shows status information of the RAID controllers and their logical devices.

Controller & Logical Device Info

In the upper right area, additional info is shown for each controller and each logical device.

Controller Info

  • Status: state of the RAID controller.

  • Serial: serial number of the RAID controller

  • Backup Unit: state of the RAID’s backup unit.

  • BIOS: firmware version of the RAID controller.

Logical Device Info

  • Status: state of the logical device.

  • RAID-Level: RAID level of the logical device.

  • R Cache: shows if the cache for Reading operations is enabled.

  • W Cache: shows if the cache for Writing operations is enabled.

  • Size: size of the logical device.

Drive Overview

Inside of any logical device, there are several drives that are displayed as tiles. They contain information that may be helpful in case a drive fails or has issues.

Flashing a Drive’s LED to locate it physically

If a drive fails you want to replace it as fast as possible. To make that happen you can flash the drive’s LED to find it physically in your just:store system.

Press the Flash Drive LED of the respective drive and a dialog will show up, allowing you to define a time span where the drive’s LED will be blinking.

Hardware Information Overview

This area displays statistics of the CPU usage, used disk space, RAID activity, and other hardware related areas.

CPU Temperature

Shows the temperature of each CPU core. The x-axis lists each CPU core, while the y-axis shows the CPU core temperature.

CPU Usage

Shows the CPU usage percentage. The x-axis is the time, while the y-axis is the CPU usage in percent.

OS Activity

Shows the read/write throughput of the operating system. The x-axis is the time, while the y-axis is the data throughput in MB/s.

RAID Activity

Shows the read/write throughput of the corresponding RAID. The x-axis is the time, while the y-axis is the data throughput in MB/s.

Network Interface Activity

Shows the read/write throughput of the corresponding network interface. The x-axis is the time, while the y-axis is the data throughput in MB/s.

Definition of Read & Write

  • Read: packages that a client receives from just:store.

  • Write: packages that just:store receives from a client.


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