Whether your machine is part of a multi zone network environment with many other machines or a simple network setup. All ToolsOnAir components need a properly configured and stable network connection to work as expected. Please contact your network administrator or local ToolsOnAir partner, if you need help or if you have questions.
Network Infrastructure Example
The below picture shows an exemplary network infrastructure (white arrows show network connections).
Erratic Behavior caused by an improperly configured Network
If your network is configured incorrectly, it is possible that the just:in mac setup might not work as expected, especially regarding the communication between Just In Engine and the Just Control User Interface, parts of the Just Control User Interface such as Timecode, Video/Audio Preview and the ability to control the Just In Engine application. Therefore, please ensure to use machines which have a proper network configuration, no matter if you are using just:in mac on only one machine or on multiple machines.
IP Address Change
If the IP address of the machine running the Just In Engine application changes, the administrator or operator must manually adjust the configuration. The simplest method is to modify the “config.json” configuration file located at “/Library/Application Support/ToolsOnAir/Just In”.
Before editing the config file, ensure that both the Just In Engine and the Just Control applications are closed. Subsequently, open the file with a preferred text editor and perform a search and replace operation for all occurrences of the old IP address with the new one. Then restart the Just In Engine application and update the IP address within the Just Control User Interface.