Using this built-in method enables you to switch between a Live Input Signal and the playout of a video file without the need of a video router. You can also add graphics to the Live Input Signal without the need of a second video device.
Using this built-in method means that the video card synchronizes to the incoming video so make sure that there is always an incoming video signal and that it is stable. To stabilize the signal in advance (i.e. before it is sent to the video card input) you must use a frame synchronizer which supports the playout format of your channel. Suited frame synchronizers can be found on the AJA Website or you can also use a Blackmagic Design ATEM switcher. In case VANC data has to be passed through, an AJA FSx device (except the mini), or any other frame store which allows to pass through VANC data, has to be used. Please contact the manufacturer of all 3rd party video devices which are used with your setup to make sure, that they can handle the VANC data as needed.
Connect the Live Input Signal to the first SDI Video input.
Press “Command-Option-,” in Just Control, to open the Just Control Configuration window and select one of the available Buffered in methods.
Default black: Black will be played out in case nothing is playing in the timeline of Just Control.
Default pass-through: The connected signal will be played out in case nothing is playing in the timeline of Just Control.
Works with the AJA Io 4K Plus, Io X3 and the KONA 4/5.
Works with all devices from Blackmagic Design that have "4K" or “8K” in their name.