Versions Compared


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This chapter describes the Channel Settings for a just:in mac channel and how to enable a Channel for Recording, once it has been configured.


AJA Frame Buffer: This settings overwrites the default Frame Buffer value of an AJA Channel. This setting is required for UHD recording workflows, where Channel Frame Buffer can be set to a higher value, in order to avoid any Dropped Frames while recording.

Enable RP188 (SDI Embedded) Timecode (AJA only): This option enables the “SDI Embedded” Timecode Source option for this AJA Input Channel. By default this option is enabled.


If you experience Frame Drop Errors, disable this option and try it again.

Enable End-To-End SDI If Available: This option does work for some specific AJA devices, like the Kona 1 or the LHePlus, where the incoming signal will be passed to the output port, once the just:in engine application is running.


  • Ignore: Channel ignores timecode breaks.

  • Create new file: Channel creates a new file upon a timecode break.


You can manually override the resolutionframerate and the quality of the Video Previews within just:control. This may be helpful to increase performance when displaying many Channels in just:control. Please see Channel Preview Options below for more informations.
