Versions Compared


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  • We support devices from AJA (except Kona KONA LHi and Kona KONA LHe + Plus when using a DSK-based switch to live mode) and Blackmagic Design for CC playout.

  • AJA supports only a single output to carry the CC data. Using a device from Blackmagic Design, all outputs available also carry the CC data.

  • The output of CC data is currently not supported for channels set up to play out fill and key using a device from Blackmagic Design.

  • To be able to pass through CC data embedded into the Live Signal, an AJA Io 4K Plus, Io X3, KONA 4 or KONA 5 is needed, or a "4K" “4K” labelled device from Blackmagic Design.

  • CC of the Live Signal may be on lines 9 through 20. The incoming signal is automatically scanned for caption data.

  • CEA closed captions embedded in a MOV track as well as line-21 burn-in are supported.

  • CEA closed captions embedded in a an MXF data track as well as line-21 burn-in are supported.

  • Version 4.x supports the following sidecar file formats: .mcc, .scc and .srt

  • When playing out NTSC HD with Closed Captions enabled, Just Out always sends CEA-708 CC packets. For media with CEA-608 CC packets, these will be wrapped into CEA-708 CC packets.

  • When playing out NTSC SD with Closed Captions enabled, Just Out always sends CEA-608 CC packets. For media with CEA-708 CC packets, these will be wrapped into CEA-608 CC packets whenever possible.

  • Using the Jump to Next function can take some seconds before the captions will be cleared on screen.


The output of Closed Captions of an on a UHD channel Channel is currently not supported.


Configuration of playout of SRT sidecars can be found in the “Advanced” tab of a channel’s settings.


In case If VANC data has to be passed throughpass-through is required, an AJA FSx device (except the mini), or any other frame store which allows to pass passing through VANC data, has to be used. Please contact the manufacturer of all 3rd party video devices which are used with your setup to make sure, that they can handle the VANC data as needed.
