[JIM] AJA Ki Pro Event Presets v.5.5

[JIM] AJA Ki Pro Event Presets v.5.5

Starting with version 5.5, both just:in mac and just:in linux solutions support Event Presets. Event Presets can be used to trigger Channel-related actions such as the Start, when performing a Split and/or to Stop a Recording. This page describes the configuration steps and workflow of AJA Ki Pro Event Presets that can be used to trigger start and stop recording actions on given AJA Ki Pros at the same time as the actual just:in mac Channel(s) start recording. In this case, the dedicated AJA Ki Pros will be used as backup recorder units.

Setup (Configuration Panel)

Your starting point is, as always, the Just Control Configuration panel. Open the panel, select the just:in mac Device on the left side, and switch to the “Events” tab. Then verify that the “Devices” sub-tab is selected. Next, choose the “HTTP” option from the “Device & protocol” list and adjust the “Timeout/Delay” option. Enter the IP address of the given AJA Ki Pro to the IP address field and finally click on the “Add…” button below.

This will open a new window where the following entries/actions have to be done/performed. First, ensure that the IP address is correct, then select “AJA Ki Pro” from the Preset list and press the “+” Button.

The related Ki Pro parameters will be automatically added to the list. Select the “Command” parameter and pick a value to test the connection to the given AJA Ki Pro (next step).

Next, use the “Test” button below to verify if the connection is working and commands can be sent to the chosen AJA Ki Pro. If there is a Green light next to the “Test” button, everything is OK. This can be verified via the Ki Pro Web interface as well (IP address of the AJA Ki Pro).

If that is working, press the “Ok” button below to add the “Ki Pro Event Device” to the just:in mac Configuration.

You can double-click on the newly created Event Device to set a custom Device name as well.

Now switch to the “Presets” sub-tab (within the “Events” tab) to create a “Start- and Stop-Recording Event Preset” for this specific AJA Ki Pro.

Use the “Add Preset” button to create a new Event Preset. Set a “Preset Name”, make sure that the correct Event Device is selected, and then use the “Add” button to add the Event Device to the Event Configuration. Next, adjust the value parameter of the Preset. In this case, choose “Record”, as this should be the Start Recording preset.

Press the “Finish” button to save the Event Preset to the Configuration.

Repeat the steps above to create another Event Preset to enable the Stop Recording event on that particular AJA Ki Pro device (The value option should be “Stop”). You now have two available Event Presets.

Record Process (Channel Inspector)

Let’s go back to the Channel Inspector to set up the new Event Presets for a given Channel. Select a Channel and select the new Events as Start and Stop Recording Event Presets.

Then start the recording process for this Channel and the recording will be automatically started on that specific AJA Ki Pro. When stopping the recording with Just Control, the recording process will be stopped on the AJA Ki Pro as well.

This configuration process can be done for each individual AJA Ki Pro (Event Devices). Then multiple Event Presets (Start & Stop) have to be created and finally every just:in mac Channel executes these Events to trigger recordings on separate AJA Ki Pros.

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