just:in 4.0 Release Notes

just:in 4.0 Release Notes

Just In 4.0.2.GM.956 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to use AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • The warnings alert shown when quitting just:control (e.g. when channels are in schedule mode) now has an addition "Do not show again" option to hide the warnings in the future. Additionally the warning are not shown when just:control is quit during a system restart or logout.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.955 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug where very long mxf files may suffered from write errors due to a buffer overflow.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.954 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug where channels weren't restarting under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause System Preferences to crash when opening TOA Preferences on macOS Catalina.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.953 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed issues that sometimes caused channels not to reconnect after restarting just:in linux.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.952 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed issues that sometimes caused channels not to reconnect after restarting just:in mac or just:in linux.
  • When recording scheduled events, the "%Date" and "%Time" tokens are now replaced using the "Full" date and time settings specified in System Preferences ("Language and Region" > "Advanced..." and then "Dates" and "Times"). You can alter the formatting used in System Preferences.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.951 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Stability and bug fixes related to recording live:cut projects.
  • Resolved a bug that sometimes caused just:in channels to fail to connect after stopping and starting a channel in the configuration panel.
  • Resolved a bug that sometimes caused just:in channels to fail to connect after quitting and restarting just:in mac or just:in linux.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.950 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug updating the fields in the inspector after selecting a different naming preset.
  • Resolved an issue connecting multiple just:control clients to a just:in linux channel.
  • Updated just:in mac to the latest AJA drivers and enabled high-frame-rate UHD capture (p50 and p60).

Just In 4.0.2.GM.949 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Performance and stability improvements

Just In 4.0.2.GM.948 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved a bug that resulted in the chunk duration always being set to 2 hours for just:in mac channels regardless of the value entered in just:control.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.947 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved a bug that sometimes resulted in MOV files missing the final few seconds after stopping a recording.
  • Fixed a performance issue recording with "trial mode" (without a license key), particularly with 10-bit SDI input modes.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.946 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved a bug that caused Adobe Premiere to show recorded MOV files with a 5 seconds duration.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.945 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved a crash using Blackmagic input cards under high CPU load.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.944 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug calculating the maximum RAM available for UHD channels.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.943 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Raised the maximum memory limit of a just:in mac channel to 16GB when recording UHD/4K or 4GB in all other cases.
  • The errors shown in a channel's inspector are now only cleared when starting a new recording in "crash" recording mode. In "scheduled" and "batch" recording modes, errors must now be cleared manually by clicking the "Clear All" button in the inspector. This is to prevent errors being "lost" during unattended operation.
  • Improved CPU load performance during recording eliminates CPU throttling / thermal issues on certain systems, in particular the Mac Mini.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.942 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed memory corruption resulting in corrupt frames being recorded under high CPU loads in combination with an AJA capture card.
  • Fixed single channel EtoE mode for AJA cards.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.941 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • It is no longer possible to start a recording if an encoder is not correctly configured (no capture or destination preset selected).
  • Correctly display a channel's IP:port in the multi-viewer when selected.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented using the tab key to move between fields in the "Clip" inspector group.
  • The "Errors" inspector group has been renamed to "Errors and Warnings".
  • Added a "Cancel" button when creating a new live:cut project.
  • Resolved an issue that sometimes resulted in clicking the record button on a viewer leading to the viewer being "dragged".

Just In 4.0.2.GM.940 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug where losing the signal while recording using an AJA card would result in an incorrect timecode upon reconnection. That has been fixed.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.939 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • The input mode "SDI (AJA 4K-2SI)" is now enabled when configuring just:in linux channels.
  • When a just:in linux channel starts recording, errors are now cleared on all just:control interfaces connected to the channel, not just the interface that was used to initiate the recording.
  • Resolved an issue with code signing that resulted in just:control and just:in engine not starting without warnings from mac OS's "Gatekeeper" security system.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.938 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Resolved an issue creating new H.264 capture presets for just:in linux channels where the codec configuration panel did not close when clicking the "Ok" button.
  • The "tab" key can now be used to navigate through the input fields in the multi-viewer inspector.
  • The Applications are now correctly code-signed.

Just In 4.0.2.GM.937 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause corrupt recordings (frame tearing) under certain conditions.

Just In 4.0.1.GM.936 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Enabled additional menu item in the "System" device configuration tab when working with just:in linux devices
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the first capture preset in the configuration panel not correctly displaying an invalid frame-rate.
  • When first connecting a new channel that has no signal, the viewer is now correctly configured.
  • Resolved a bug that could cause capture presets to be unexpectedly updated with different frame-rates and/or resolution when changing devices in the configuration panel.
  • Changing an existing capture preset to UHD now correctly updates the preset.
  • After a channel is restarted, the channel's name in the viewer no longer disappears.
  • When using the group start recording button below the inspector, any channels in scheduled mode no longer start recording. 

Just In 4.0.0.GM.935 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Split recording is working on multiple channels again.
  • Audio Sampling rate is set to 24 as default option now.
  • Improved Memory Management.
  • Adjusted color space values to correct values.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.934 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a Memory Leak.
  • Fixed a bug, where the signal got corrupted after a signal with multiple AJA channels.
  • Adjusted application signing.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.933 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Updated BMD SDK to v11.3.
  • Improved Memory Management.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.932 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Adjust copy protection mechanism.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.931 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug where "empty" (not connected) viewers were displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug where using the record menu item (or its keyboard shortcut) would start a channel recording even if it was in scheduled recording mode.
  • The "schedule", "batch, "error" and "audio monitor" inspector groups are now hidden when two or more channels are selected as these are only available for a single channel.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.930 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • The channel viewers are now more consistent in terms of the elements displayed (timecode, audio bars, buttons) when the channel has no signal or isn't connected depending on whether the channel previously had a signal or was connected, or just:control was started with a disconnected channel or a channel without a signal.
  • Fixed a bug that meant scheduled events were not shown in just:control or sent to the engine.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.929 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • just:in mac's "diagnostics window" is now always shown using the "Dark" mode, even if the system is set to "Light" mode.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in repeated scheduled events only being recorded once.
  • Resolved an issue that could result in just:control not reconnecting to just:in linux channels after a restart of the system.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.928 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
  • Fixed a bug that causes unexpected behaviour after changing a channel's calendar.
  • In the "System" tab, just:in mac devices now have channel logs for the past 3 days.

Just In 4.0.0.GM.927 Release Notes

  • Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
  • This version requires a new 4.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
  • The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Co