

Table of Contents


You can monitor  just:store with a web browser. By default just:store is configured for direct connections using the IP address 172.16.x.10. You need the exact IP address to connect to the web administration interface.

Following animation indicates that the user interface is waiting for data. It will disappear as soon as all data has been retrieved.


Accessing the Log

  1. Open a web browser. We suggest using Firefox, Safari, Edge or Chrome. Internet Explorer can cause style and function issues. 
  2. Enter the IP address or hostname of the just:store system you want to connect to into the address bar of your web browser.
  3. Press the enter key.
  4. Select Log on the main page.

  5. Enter your login credentials and press the Login button.


    Username = juststore
    Password = juststore

Realtime Logging View

  1. Streams: select the desired Log file. It will be displayed on the right.
  2. Logs View: displays the currently selected Log file.
  3. Filter: entering a search term in this field helps you to find Log entries.

→ Use the sidebar to navigate.