[JIML] Release Notes v.2025.1
- 1 Version 2025.1
- 1.1 2025.1.GM.1289
- 1.2 2025.1.GM.1288 - RELEASE
- 1.3 2025.1.GM.1287
- 1.4 2025.1.GM.1286
- 1.5 2025.1.GM.1285
- 1.6 2025.1.GM.1284
- 1.7 2025.1.GM.1282
- 1.8 2025.1.GM.1281
- 1.9 2025.1.GM.1278
- 1.10 2025.1.GM.1277
- 1.11 2025.1.GM.1275
- 1.12 2025.1.GM.1274
- 2 Version 6.5
- 2.1 6.5.0.GM.1258
- 2.2 6.5.0.GM.1251
- 2.3 6.5.0.B1.1248
- 2.4 6.5.0.B1.1247
- 2.5 6.5.0.B1.1246
- 3 Version 6.2
- 3.1 6.2.0.GM.1225
- 3.2 6.2.0.GM.1224
- 3.3 6.2.0.B1.1221
- 4 Version 6.1
- 4.1 6.1.0.GM.1202
- 4.2 6.1.0.GM.1201
- 4.3 6.1.0.GM.1200
- 4.4 6.1.0.GM.1199
- 4.5 6.1.0.GM.1198
- 4.6 6.1.0.GM.1197
- 4.7 6.1.0.GM.1196
- 4.8 6.1.0.GM.1195
- 4.9 6.1.0.GM.1194
- 4.10 6.1.0.GM.1193
- 4.11 6.1.0.GM.1192
- 4.12 6.1.0.GM.1191
- 4.13 6.1.0.GM.1190
- 4.14 6.1.0.GM.1189
- 4.15 6.1.0.GM.1188
- 4.16 6.1.0.GM.1187
- 4.17 6.1.0.GM.1186
- 4.18 6.1.0.GM.1185
- 4.19 6.1.0.GM.1184
- 4.20 6.1.0.RC1.1183
- 4.21 6.1.0.RC1.1182
- 4.22 6.1.0.RC1.1181
- 4.23 6.1.0.RC1.1180
- 4.24 6.1.0.RC1.1179
- 4.25 6.1.0.RC1.1178
- 4.26 6.1.0.RC1.1176
- 4.27 6.1.0.B1.1173
- 4.28 6.1.0.B1.1172
- 4.29 6.1.0.B1.1171
- 4.30 6.1.0.B1.1170
Version 2025.1
Fixed a potential memory leak when using AJA devices.
2025.1.GM.1288 - RELEASE
Improvements related to online licensing process.
Fixed an issue on macOS 15 Sequoia that meant it was not possible to lock the multi-viewer inspector using the “option” key with the mouse over the inspector’s close button.
If scheduled events are scheduled more than 24 hours in the future, and the calendar isn’t changed at all within the next 24 hours, the events are now correctly added to the channel’s schedule.
If a channel has been added to more than one group, removing the channel from one group no longer removes it from all groups, only from the group to which the selected item in the inspector belongs.
Improvements around license updating and trial licenses.
By default, each channel running will stop recording if the memory consumed reaches a pre-defined upper limit to guard against system RAM being exhausted. However, under certain circumstances it might be necessary to raise or even disable this upper limit.
Fixed a bug that caused some capture presets to fail at the start of recording.
When creating a new capture preset, the “TV Norm” dropdown menu now only specifies the options actually supported by the device being configured.
When a device or channel is selected in the configuration panel, the window’s title now shows the name of the selected device (if a channel is selected, the name of the device to which the channel belongs), and, optionally, the currently selected configuration preset if the device has configuration presets defined.
Fixed a deadlock using the REST API in combination with stopping or starting channels that resulted in the API ceasing to respond to requests.
Fixed a potential memory leak recording to MXF with a signal that only occasionally contains VANC packets.
Updated NDI to v6.1.1 for improved stability and performance.
The “short version” of the Apps shown in Finder now show the correct version in the format “2025.x.y”.
This release requires a new 2025 license code. If you have a valid license for an older release (v6.5 or earlier), please contact ToolsOnAir for a new license key before installing as otherwise the software will revert to “demo” mode with a watermark. Note that activation now requires the system running the Just In Mac Lite application to have a live internet connection.
NDI VANC metadata is now conforms to the ToolsOnAir specification as agreed with Vizrt NDI AB.
Updated Blackmagic drivers to release 14.3. If you are using Blackmagic devices, please update your system to this release.
Version 6.5
Added an additional “/ingest/errors” call to the REST API to retrieve a list of current errors and warnings for a given channel. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.
Updated links in the DMG with the correct v6.5 resources.
Fixed a rare crash in Just Control, particularly related to channels with a significant number of errors.
In the “Device” tab in Just Control’s configuration panel there is a new “Open REST API” button that will open your default browser to show the API documentation.
Updated Blackmagic DeckLink drivers to 14.0 for improved stability, performance and compatibility. If you are using a DeckLink device, please update your system to this version.
Fixed an issue when using an external audio device that could result in a delay between audio and video if there was no input available when the channel was started.
The “Cache Options” channel setting has been replaced with “Dropped Frames Strategy” with the options “Duplicate last valid frame” and “Add black frame”. When frames are dropped from the input (resulting in a gap between two frames), the former will “fill” the gap with duplicates of the last frame before the gap, the latter will “fill” the gap with black frames, making the gap easier to find in post production. In both cases, audio for the inserted frames will be silence.
Updated Blackmagic DeckLink drivers to 12.9 for improved stability, performance and compatibility. If you are using a DeckLink device, please update your system to this version.
Fixed an issue that could cause connection and performance issues with NDI channels.
Version 6.2
When selecting more than one channel in the multi-viewer, the inspector’s title now displays “X of Y channels selected” instead of “Multiple selected” where X is the number of channels selected and Y is the total number of currently connected viewers.
There is a new “Lock multi-viewer drag-and-drop” checkbox in the application settings. When selected, it is no longer possible to move viewers around the multi-viewer using drag-and-drop.
Stability improvements related to the REST API.
Updated the DNxHD encoder for improved performance and stability.
Version 6.1
Removed irrelevant “Invalid XML” errors in just:control related to running a port service scan on a channel’s port.
Improved stability in the API server at port 8080.
Resolved an problem that could cause performance issues recording H.264 or H.265 (HEVC) on certain systems.
When using a Blackmagic device in UHD (e.g. a DeckLink 8K Pro), the first 16 audio channels are now captured instead of just the first 8. Additionally fixed corrupted audio and/or crashes recording with a capture preset that specifies more audio channels than being currently captured from the input device.
The API exposed for just:in Mac now implements the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (“CORS”) mechanism, in particular the HTTP “OPTIONS” method, thus allowing a browser-based user interface to connect to multiple channels with different IP addresses.
API requests sent with an “Origin” header field now return “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” in the response. This means that the machine’s IP address and “localhost” are both valid and can be mixed in calls from a web browser.
Calls to /ingest/startRecordingWithFilename now have additional checks for valid channel configuration and valid signal before execution, and a “400 Bad Request” is returned in the channel cannot record. These checks mirror those already in place in just:control to prevent a channel entering an invalid state.
An interactive “Swagger UI” for testing the API is now published at “/swagger-ui/index.html” on the system running Just In Engine.
Most “400 Bad Request” responses now include an “error” property in the response body to indicate the reason that the request failed.
Updated the OpenAPI specification published at “/v3/api-docs” to include the latest changes related to naming presets.
Fixed a bug that resulted in a “400 Bad Request” response to an API request with a body larger than 2KB.
All API requests are now fully type-checked against the OpenAPI specification.
Sending an “/ingest/startRecordingWithFilename” request now results in a “400 Bad Request” response if the channel is already recording. Other related calls (e.g. changing naming, capture or destination preset) also result in a “400 Bad Request” response while recording.
Sending API requests to a disabled channel now result in “400 Bad Request” responses.
Fixed naming inconsistencies between just:in Mac and just:in Linux, all requests to the just:in Mac API now match those specified in the OpenAPI documentation.
Resolved a memory leak when writing to an AVFoundation container.
Fixed a memory leak and resulting crash caused by an NDI source not matching the channel’s specified format (e.g. frame-rate, resolution, scan).
When using an AJA device with LTC attached to the card’s LTC port, it is no longer necessary to select the correct timecode source in the AJA Control Panel. Now simply selecting the timecode source in just:control will automatically configure the AJA device to use the LTC port timecode.
Golden master.
Fixed a bug that resulted in NDI channels reverting to Computer Time timecode source each time the channel was started.
Improved stability and performance receiving NDI streams.
Improved stability when using AJA devices.
Fixed a bug that could result in invalid capture presets after re-configuring an existing preset.
Golden master.
Improved performance when recording H.264.
When using LTC timecode over audio, 25, 29.97 or 30fps timecode is now automatically converted to match a channel configured for 50, 59.94 or 60fps instead of flagging the timecode as invalid. For example, a 1080p50 channel can now receive p25 LTC timecode.
Golden master.
Golden master.
Updated all copyright notices to 2024.
Golden master.
Improved performance when recording HEVC/H.265. Additionally, the correct profile is automatically selected depending on whether the input source has 8 or 10-bit video.
Fixed a bug that caused memory consumed by Just In Engine to increase continually when an NDI source without audio was selected, eventually causing a crash and/or the system to run out of memory.
NDI sources that switch between sending video only without audio and then video with audio are now supported.
Golden master.
Unexpected metadata values are no longer embedded when recording to a MOV container.
Golden master.
Golden master.
The active license is now synchronised with the online license every 30 instead of 7 days.
Golden master.
In addition to the automatic baseline, main and high H.264 profiles, you can now select any of the currently available specific profiles. The previous profiles such as “High” have been renamed like “High Auto Level”.
Fixed a minor typo in the H.264 and H.265 option panels.
Removed legacy calls from the API, added the “tal-ingest-engine-override-naming-preset” property to the startRecordingWithFilename method’s body metadata.
When calling the startRecordingWithFilename and stopRecording API calls, the metadata keys as specified in the documentation can now be used and are correctly mapped internally.
All Apps now show the correct version in the “About…” panel.
Updated AJA drivers to version 17.0. Please update your system drivers to this version if you are using AJA hardware.
When running Just In Mac Lite for the first time on macOS 14 Sonoma, you are now asked to grant access to your calendars to enable scheduled recording.
Set the minimum deployment target to macOS 12.0 (Monterey). The Apps included with this release will no longer run on versions of macOS older than 12.
Added a new API call at /v3/api-docs that returns a JSON description of the API in the OpenAPI v3 format. This can be imported into applications or services that support this format such as Postman in order to test the API.
Fixed a bug that resulted in changes in the inspector (e.g. to edit the name of the recording) being ignored when using the keyboard shortcut to start recording. In this case, the recording was named using the previous value from the field and not the updated value.
Improved logging for diagnosing issues with NDI streams.
Fixed a bug when calling a REST API method with an invalid or missing channel name that resulted in no response from the API.
Added /ingest/startChannel and /ingest/stopChannel REST API methods to start or stop a given channel. Combining stop and start results in a channel being restarted.
NDI channels may now be used in the “Schedule” mode in addition to “Crash”. This means that recording can be pre-scheduled in Calendar.
Fixed a bug editing a naming preset where sometimes changes to the preset were ignored (de-selecting and re-selecting the preset resulted in any changes being lost).
Fixed a bug that resulted in the multi-viewer audio bars showing incorrect levels for SDI inputs.
Fixed a bug that resulted in recording files having incorrect audio levels for NDI inputs.
Fixed a bug that resulted in a channel process configured to use an NDI source burning 100% CPU (a single core) whenever the source wasn’t available. This is turn could cause other unexpected behaviour such as just:control being unresponsive or very slow.
Fixed a bug that resulted in unexpected results using metadata sets, event presets or custom overlays.
Naming presets now support folder creation using the new “/” token, allowing you to create naming presets with one or more sub-folders relative to the destination preset path. The names of the folders can also use any of the naming preset features such as date, time, metadata and user variables. The date and time tokens can now be configured individually, and there are new formatting options for textual day and month formatting (e.g. “Mon”, “Monday”, “Jan”, “January”). Additionally, the naming of scheduled events has now changed. Instead of using tokens such as <Date> or <Channel> in the title of the calendar event, you should create a naming preset with the specific formatting you want, and the “Name” token in the naming preset will be set to the calendar event’s title. Please refer to the user manual for more detailed information.