9. FX Layer Control Interfaces

9. FX Layer Control Interfaces

In just:live and just:play it is possible to use custom FX layer control interfaces. Instead of using the Inspector to change parameters of a real time graphic (composition:builder or QTZ file), a dedicated user interface is used to control the graphic.


  • Creation of control interfaces for sports, news and other purposes
  • Control interface can be used directly in just:live/just:play (as a floating window) or in a web browser
  • Access via network port 5000 possible, just enter the IP address of the host machine which runs the gfx and append ":5000" to the adress
  • Usage in mobile devices like tablets, fablets and smartphones
  • Platform-independent, i.e. can be used with any HTML-conform web browser
  • HTML based, custom UI can be created in any raw text- or web-editor
  • JavaScript, CSS, XML, CGI and PHP can be incorporated to create dynamic interfaces (local webserver may be required)

→ Contact ToolsOnAir for more information.

Communication of custom control interfaces can only happen unidirectional, that means that the UI can send values to a real time graphic, but it cannot "receive" anything from the playout system.





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