Naming Presets can be used to accelerate the naming process within Just In Mac Lite. From automatic file numbering to timestamps and user customised variables, Naming Presets provide file naming in an efficient and straightforward way.


Open the Just In Mac Lite Configuration panel, select a Device, and switch to the “Naming Presets” tab.

  1. Naming Preset List: lists all available Naming Presets for the currently selected Device. Use the “Plus (plus)” and “Minus (minus)” buttons at the bottom to add or remove Naming Presets.

  2. Resulting Example: displays the resulting filename for the currently selected Naming Preset.

  3. Variable Drop Zone: drag and drop Variables from the Variable List (4) onto this field to create a custom Naming Preset. You can add custom Variables here as well. Simply click into the text field to create a new Variable. Then define if it is a static or dynamic variable, by clicking on the Variable itself and enabling the “Variable” option.

  4. Variable List: lists available Variables to create your custom Naming Presets. Drag and drop a Variable onto the Variable Drop Zone (3) to create a custom Naming Preset.

  5. Naming Preset Options:

  6. Global variable: fixed Variable which is used in front of the file name of every Naming Preset of the Device.

Variables: There are two types of Variables. Variables, where the “Variable” option is enabled, can be modified within the Naming Section of the Inspector (“Settings” tab) and Variables without the “Variable” option enabled, cannot be adjusted.


The following example shows the difference between the two different types of Variables. The “Dynamic” Variables have the “Variable” option enabled and can be modified in the Inspector of Just In Mac Lite. “Static” is fixed and will be added to the file name automatically, and cannot be adjusted in the Naming section.

The Clip section within the Inspector does look like this then. The “DynamicVariable can be adjusted and the “StaticVariable is fixed.

Add/Remove a Naming Preset

Switch to the “Naming Preset” tab and use the “Plus ((plus) )/Minus ((minus))” buttons to add or remove (selected Naming Preset) from the Naming Preset list.

Configure a Naming Preset

Naming Presets consists of different types of Variables:

Variables, where the “Variable” option is enabled, can be modified within the Naming Section of the Inspector (“Settings” tab) and Variables without the “Variable” option enabled, cannot be adjusted.

Work with predefined variables

Predefined Variables can be moved from the Variables list (4) to the Variable Drop Zone (3). There (3) you can add as many Variables as you want, you can remove, re-order, or adjust (double-click) them, and above the Variable Drop Zone (3) you can see the resulting clip name.

Date and Time Format options

In just:in mac version 6.1, we have introduced new Date and Time Format options, accessible with a simple click on the Date or Time Variable within the Naming Preset.

Upon clicking (on the given “Date” or “Time” token), a new window featuring available “Date” or “Time” options will be presented. Choose the desired format option, and once selected, it is saved for the chosen Naming Preset. The following are the available options for Date and Time.



Counter Variable

The Counter Variable is unique in that it offers a sub-menu, allowing users to select the desired number of digits for the Variable. Moreover, users can specify the starting point for the Counter Variable.

Add Custom Variables

You can add any text or Variable to a Naming Preset, and these Variables can be defined as static or dynamic.

Use the Global Variable

The Global variable will be used in all existing Naming Presets for the selected Device.

Automatic Folder Creation

In version 6.1, a new feature is introduced, allowing the use of Naming Presets to automatically generate folders based on Variables within the Naming Presets. For example, “Date” tokens can be employed to establish folders according to “Year”, “Month”, or “Day” information. This enables the creation of new folders daily, monthly, or yearly, and the format of these tokens can be easily customised and selected to align with specific workflow requirements. A classic example of this functionality is evident in compliance recording workflows.

In the designated Variable list zone, a new token, “/“, has been introduced. This token serves the purpose of facilitating the folder creation workflow. When incorporated, each “/“ token triggers the creation of a new folder based on the variables specified in the Naming Preset.

The Naming Preset above results in the following.

Channel Inspector:
