Metadata Sets can be used for completely custom your metadata workflow in just:in linux. It is possible to customise your metadata fields within the user interface and to export customised sidecar xml-files for every recorded file. You can find all necessary information about how to prepare such metadata sets here. Below you can find information about how to import such metadata sets into just:in linux.


Metadata Sets can now be defined within the settings, instead of having them in an appropriate location on the OS X system. It is possible to define everything within the just:connect settings. Please follow the steps below to add different metadata sets.

These metadata sets can then be selected within the user interface on your macOS client.

Add new Metadata Set

Press the Add-Button at the bottom left of the config-screen, then a new window appears, where you can define a name for the new metadata set. Then locate the StartUp and Export XML on your system and press create. Then these xmls will be imported into just:in linux and a metadata set will be created.

Edit existing Metadata Set

You can only change the name of an existing metadata set. If you want to change the structure of the StartUp or the Export XML, you have to delete the metadata set, change the appropriate code in the xml file and then reimport both files.