In the Just Control Configuration panel, you can access and change all available settings for Devices and Channels. Once a Device connection has been established, the Just Control Configuration panel will remember and save all Devices connected in the “Devices & Channels” list.

Access the Configuration Panel

Use the menu command “Channels → Show Configuration Pane” to open the Just Control Configuration panel.

Alternatively, you can use the “Connections” tab in the Inspector. Clicking the “Configure” button or double-clicking a Device in the list opens the Just Control Configuration window.

If there are no Devices, press the “Add Connection” button first, this will also open the Just Control Configuration window.

Just Control Configuration Window Overview

The Just Control Configuration panel consists of two different areas:

Devices & Channels (1)

Displays all currently connected Devices and the corresponding Channels.

Settings Area (2)

Depending on the current selection in the “Devices & Channels” list, this area displays all available options for the currently selected Device or Channel. Furthermore, there are different tabs at the top that contain all the required configuration options.

By clicking the Question Mark (question) icon on the bottom right, you will be able to access the User Manual (Internet access required).

Adding a New Device

Unlock the panel by entering the administrator password. Press the “Plus (plus) button ("Add Device") below the “Devices & Channels” list to add a new Device. Enter the “IP Address” of the machine running the Just In Engine application. The default port (5000) is usually correct unless your network administrator specified a different one (when you are running the engine locally, the IP-Address is already entered). Press the “Add” button to establish the connection.

Device Wizard

When connecting a Device for the first time, a Device Wizard will help you with the basic configuration and settings. First, select either “Configure device with the detected physical inputs”, if you want to set up a Just In Engine for use with SDI or HDMI inputs, or choose “Configure device for streaming inputs (e.g. NDI®5) with the following format”, if you would like to set up a Just In Engine with streaming input(s) only.

Please note, that you can add NDI®5 inputs at any time, independent of the Device Wizard process.

If you select “Configure device with the detected physical inputs”, press the “Scan” button to detect all available input cards (AJA or Blackmagic Design video device driver installation required). Select the Video Mode (“SDI (AJA or Blackmagic Design)”) and the Video Format (e.g. “1080i25”) and proceed to the Device and Channel Name. Define a Default Storage Path (Destination Preset) and filter and select Capture Presets from the list below. Press the “Configure” button to finish the Device Wizard setup process.

Add existing Devices

You can connect already existing and configured Devices in the same way as new Devices. Use the “Plus” (“+”) button and enter the IP-Address of the machine running the Just In Engine application, and the connection will be established automatically.

Remove Devices

A connected Device can be removed from the “Devices & Channels” list by using the Minus (“-”) button.

Please note that this will only disconnect the Device from the Just Control Configuration panel. The Device is still available for other machines and the settings are still saved on the engine machine.

Device Status

There are various Device statuses available:

Changing Device Name

The Device name can only be changed when there is no Channel enabled. To do so, double-click the Device Name (next to the Device Status), adjust the Name, and press the “Enter” key to confirm.

You can drag & drop devices within the “Devices & Channels” list to reorder the Devices.

Connections Tab and Configuration Panel Correlation

As mentioned above, the Just Control Configuration panel is the central place, where all settings can be managed. The Just Control Configuration panel is responsible for the Channels which are available to the Just Control user/operator within the Just Control User Interface (“Connection” tab in the Inspector) as well. Only enabled Channels are available in the Just Control User Interface within the “Connections” tab.

In the screenshot above, four Channels (AJA_1, AJA_2, NDI_1, and NDI_2) of the DeviceTOA_M1_Demo” are enabled. All of these four Channels can be connected to the multi-viewer (in the screenshot, only AJA_1 and AJA_2 are connected).


Please note, that connected Channels get disconnected automatically, when the Channel gets disabled within the Just Control Configuration panel.

Please note, that connected Channels get disconnected automatically, when the Channel gets disabled within the Just Control Configuration panel.