Table of Contents

Accessing the System Settings

Before continuing make sure to read the article Connecting to the just:store Web-based Administration Interface

  1. Click on System in the sidebar.

  2. The System Settings will be shown, allowing you to configure system-related settings.

General Information

Activating your just:store

  1. Copy the Machine ID and create a ticket in our Helpdesk. You will receive a serial number via email.

  2. Press the Edit button next to the Serial Number field and paste your previously received serial number. Press the Save button afterward.

  3. The General Information overview should now reflect your activation.

Time Settings

These settings can only be changed if you are an administrator and not using chronyd for getting the time information automatically.

When not using NTP, you can define your time settings here.

Cron Job Management

These settings can only be changed if you are an administrator.

Cron jobs can be used to automate system maintenance or administration, running periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals.

Improper usage of cron jobs can cause serious system malfunction or result in files being deleted. Results of failed cron jobs are not covered by our maintenance contract.

Adding a Cron Job

At the bottom of the Cron Job Management overview, press the Add Cron Job button to configure and add a new cron job.

Supported Languages and Suffixes for Cron Job Files

  • Supported Languages: Python, Bash, Perl

  • Supported Suffixes: pl, sh, py

Press the Save button when you are done.

General Quota Settings

These settings can only be changed if you are an administrator.

The quota is a limit that restricts file system usage, allowing an administrator to allocate disk space in a reasonable way.

Background Hardware & Software Checker

just:store can automatically verify certain hard- and software aspects in the background. This functionality is enabled by default.

E-Mail Settings for Notifications

For e-mail notifications to work, you need to enter valid SMTP settings here. You can test your settings afterward, making sure that the settings are correct and notifications reach their destination properly.

Iconik Storage Settings

These settings can only be changed if you are an administrator.

Showing Iconik Storage Gateway Logs

Click on the Show Iconik Storage Gateway Logs button to show the iconik log entries.

Exporting the Iconik Storage Gateway Logs

You can export the iconik storage gateway logs for further assistance through a helpdesk. Press the Export to Excel button to do so.

Hiding the Iconik Storage Gateway Logs

Click on the Hide Iconik Storage Gateway Logs button to hide the iconik log entries.

IPMI Configuration

These settings can only be changed if you are an administrator.

IPMI is crucial when the ToolsOnAir support team or your partner have to step in. An improper IPMI configuration may result in support delays and other issues, which you want to avoid.