Batch Mode

Batch Mode enables customers to control multiple VTR decks within one interface to capture multiple tapes.

Connection Window

The Connection Window allows you to save Channel connections to ease up connecting to Channels.

New Timecode & Channel Name Display

The "t/n" Timecode option displays the Timecode in the top left corner and the Channel name in the top right cornerĀ of the Preview. This mode also makes the Channel info visible all the time. During recording you can also check the elapsed recording time by clicking on the Timecode field.

Multi-Selection of Channel Previews

You can select multiple Channels Previews in the just:in user interface at the same time and then change the Inspector settings for these Channels.

Channel Border Thickness

You can change the border thickness of Channels in the just:in user interface. This helps you to see the state of each Channel easily.

Audio Preview

You can listen to the Audio stream of the incoming Signal to preview the Audio part in addition to the Video preview. It is possible to listen to single tracks but also to turn all Audio Channels on/off with a single mouse click. This is for previewing only and will not replace a hardware device to check the audio quality or AV synchronisation.