Table of Contents

1. just:store Hardware Overview

  1. Unpack the just:store system.
  2. On the back of the just:store system connect the IPMI port and the Network port, as shown in this figure.

  3. Connect the power supplies.
  4. Power on the just:store system.
  5. Shortly after the just:store system has started the em1 Network port will get an IP Adress over DHCP.

The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is a set of computer interface specifications for an autonomous computer subsystem that provides management and monitoring capabilities independently of the host system's CPU and operating system.

2. Installation of the just:store Client Software on macOS

The just:store system comes with the preconfigured IP address Make sure that this address is free on your network.

  1. Make sure the just:store system is running and connected to a properly configured network.
  2. On the client machine make sure you are in the macOS Finder.
  3. Press command + K on your keyboard to open up the Connect to Server window.
  4. Enter the IP Adress of the just:store system and click Connect.

  5. Accept the dialog.

  6. Select Connect As: Guest and press Connect

  7. Select the Tools sharepoint and press the OK button.

  8. The Tools sharepoint should now be mounted. On the sharepoint go to the folder Applications and open the just_mount disk image.

  9. The disk image appears on the Desktop and in the sidebar of any macOS Finder window.

  10. Drop the Just Mount application onto the Applications folder.

  11. Eject the disk image afterwards.