This chapter explain the just:in user interface based on an already connected Channel. You will learn how to connect to a Channel in the next chapter.

Main Window

The Main Window shows the Signal which is currently received by the Channel. The various overlays (Timecode, Audio Bars…) are shown depending on the settings defined in the Preferences (see below). By default all overlays – except for the Buffer Status – are shown.

Main Window – Detail

This figure shows all elements of the Channel Preview, it may look different on your system.

  1. Timecode: displays the Timecode depending on the selected Timecode mode (see below).
  2. Channel Preview Border: 
  3. Record Button (command + R): this button shows up as soon as you hover over a Channel. Press this button to start the Recording on the particular Channel.
  4. Inspector Button (command + I): this button shows up as soon as you hover over a Channel. Press this button to open the Inspector of the particular Channel.
  5. Audio Bars: shows Audio levels.
  6. Channel Info: click to switch between Channel Name, IP-Address & Port or Name of the current Recording.
  7. Timecode Mode: click to select the Timecode Mode (see below).
  8. Recording Mode: click to select the Recording Mode (see below).
  9. Channel Buffer: displays the currently buffered frames (if any) of the particular Channel. As long as the Channel Buffer is lower than 50, there is no need to worry. 

Timecode Modes

You can choose between following Timecode Modes.

Recording Modes

This is only an overview of the available Recording Modes. Refer to the chapter Capture Modes (just:in v2.5) for further information.


You can access the just:in user interface Preferences in the menu Just In → Preferences or by using the keyboard shortcut command + comma.

General Preferences

Mouse Behaviour Preferences

You can define which elements will be shown when entering or exiting a Channel Preview.

All elements but the Buffer status are shown by default.