Destination Presets contain settings about the desired write locations of the Recordings, Metadata files or SCC sidecar-files. Before you can do Recordings with the just:in User Interface you need to create one or multiple Destination Presets. After defining Presets you can quickly access them in the just:in User Interface. This speeds up the Recording process and helps to keep things organized.

To make any changes you need unlock the configuration panel.

Table of Contents


Open the Configuration Panel, select the desired Device for which you want to create Destination Presets and switch to the Destination Presets Tab.

  1. Destination Preset List: shows all available Destination Presets. Use the buttons below to add and remove Destination Presets.
  2. Destination Preset Configuration Options: allows you to define a Destination Preset.

Adding a Destination Preset

  1. In the Device & Channel List select the appropriate Device. Click on the Destination Presets tab. Below the Destination Preset List press the "Plus" button to add a Destination Preset.

  2. A dialog appears asking you for the Destination Preset Name. Enter the Destination Preset Name and press the Create button.

    The Duplicate preset...-Option let's you duplicate an already existing Destination Preset, where you can adjust the Preset Settings afterwards.

  3. Configure the Destination Preset. It will be saved automatically after all attributes are defined. You may change the settings of a Destination Preset at any time.

Editing an existing Destination Preset

  1. Select an existing Destination Preset and simply change the options on the right side. The changes will be saved automatically.

Removing a Destination Preset

  1. Select an existing Destination Preset and use the "Minus"-Button below the Destination Preset list to remove the selected Destination Preset.