Just In 5.1.0.GM.1043 Release Notes
Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
In just:in engine’s diagnostics window an extra “File Output” queue is now displayed when writing an AVFoundation (e.g. MOV) container. This may be relevant when writing to an attached storage when the connection is unreliable or too slow, as in this case you will see the queue beginning to fill up. If the queue is full, the recording will stop with an error displayed in just:control. Even after the recording has stopped, the diagnostics window will continue to show the queues and the file output queue should slowly empty as fast as the storage allows. Once the queue is empty, the file will be closed and can then be safely opened in an external editor.
Just In 5.1.0.GM.1042 Release Notes
Apple have removed support for 32-bit Apps and, as a consequence, for the QuickTime framework. Apple's replacement for QuickTime, AVFoundation, does not support the full range of codecs that were available with QuickTime. If you had an older version of just:in installed, any capture presets using QuickTime will be automatically upgraded to us AVFoundation, assuming an equivalent is available. Some capture presets may therefore no longer be available after installing this version. A full list of the codecs and any other features affected by the switch to 64-bit will be made available by ToolsOnAir in due course.
This version requires a new 5.0 license code, invalidating any older 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 license codes. If you already have a valid license code for an older version, please contact ToolsOnAir for a new code before installing this build.
The configuration of just:in mac engine (channel configuration, capture presets, destination presets, naming conventions, metadata sets and activation) has moved from the engine App to the user interface (just:control App). To configure an engine, start just:control and select "Manage Connections" from the "View" menu.
Fixed a bug that resulted in invalid timecode using LTC over audio timecode with AJA devices.
When a recording is automatically stopped due to storage performance issues, any remaining frames are now written to the file and the file then correctly closed to prevent issues opening the file in some editors (e.g. Adobe Premiere).
When disconnecting a channel in the multi-viewer, the number of connections for the channel is now correctly reset.
When the multi-viewer is locked, it is no longer possible to select viewers, move them with drag and drop, or create new groups by dragging viewers to the “Groups” tab in the inspector.