Not available in version 3.x | Will be available in a future version |
Certain Events (NCB (Nevion), Leitch Terminal and Leitch Pass-Through, Kramer 2000, GPI Out via JL-Cooper eBox, Evertz (Quartz), Sierra Video Aspen) | Most are available with v3.1 and higher |
Failover | v3.5 |
MOS Integration | ❌ |
REST API Request and on:Core Workflows | ❌ |
Summary & Performance in just:connect | ❌ |
Movies in GFX Compositions and/or playing on a GFX track | ❌ |
Custom Script | ✅ ❌ Maybe different approach |
Video Input Device for On Air window | ✅❌ Maybe as a stream |
Contour Shuttle Pro, Avid MC Transport | ✅❌ Maybe other devices |
GPI IN to the UI | ✅v4 |
Webinterface to control GFX | ✅❌ |
Ability to save and load window layouts and positions | ✅❌ |
Undocking of windows and Master TC in just:live | ✅❌ |
Posterframe Mode in just:live | ✅ ❌ Maybe different approach |
Built-in RTMP Streaming out | ✅ ❌ Maybe different approach |
.scc and .mcc sidecar file support - Closed Caption | ✅v4 |
just:next | Not a separate application anymore, but the group function in the Multi Viewer provides the same function |
TOA Log Analyser application | ✅ ❌ Maybe different approach |
LTC as TC In | v3.5 |
MIDI TC out of the Just Out engine | ❌ |
720p24 and all 4K formats | ❌ |
FAB | ✅OP47 / v4 |
Ref in to synchronise the video hardware | v3.5 |
Hardware based Up/Down Conversion on the input and output and different output formats | ✅❌ |
Import of FCP compatible XMLs | ❌ |