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The Timeline shows the rundown like a timeline of an editing system.


  1. On Air Info & Layers (Your Channel might have more or fewer Layers than shown in this figure picture or that certain Layers do are not exist displayed at all):

    • Layers: The left column shows the Layer the Layer names. They have been defined by your system administrator while setting up the Channel(s) in Just Control. Clicking a Layer selects it. Notice Note that only the content of the selected Layer is visible in the workbench Workbench. AlsoFurthermore, the preview Preview and coming next Coming Next information in the Control Area depend on the Layer selection. The currently selected Layer is highlighted.

    • Elapsed Timecode: The middle column displays the elapsed time for each actual playing element. If a Layer does not contain any elements, the timecode Timecode is zero (“0…”.

    • Current Item Name: The right column displays the name of the current item in the particular specific Layer.

  2. Timeline View: Displays all kinds of elements similarly to common video editing systems. Certain elements like gaps and infinite live events such as Gaps and Infinite Live Events which are critical for the final output are highlighted for better recognitionvisibility.

  3. Next Information:

    • Upcoming Item Name: The left column displays the name of the upcoming item of the particular Layer.

    • Remaining Timecode: The middle column displays the remaining time for each actual playing element.

  4. Action (Buttons):

    • Hide Buttons: Enable or disable the visibility of the specific FX Layer.

    • Rules Indicator: A Rules indicator is shown in the Event track, in case a Rule has been defined for this channel Channel.

  5. Timeline Ruler: Scrub through time by dragging the scroll bar or the timeline Timeline ruler. Set the scale of the timeline Timeline view by using your mouse wheel or by moving the ruler up/down. You can always relocate the CTI by pressing the NowNow” button.

Timeline Detail


  1. Current Time Indicator (CTI): Indicates the current position. While watching the current playout Playout position (Primary Time Mode) the CTI is always greenGREEN. In Edit Mode you will see the green GREEN CTI representing the real playout position and the brighter CTI representing the current preview position corresponding to the color colour of the timecodeTimecode. Refer to chapter Chapter 4. just:play Channels & The TimecodePrimary/Edit Mode (v.5.x) .

  2. Playlist Name: The name of a Playlist, which can be changed in the Inspector.

  3. Video / Placeholder Element: Video and placeholder elements are represented by grey bars (or slices, depending on the Timeline scale) in the Video Layer, where the . The text showing the name of the elements is white WHITE (in case if it is a Video) or red RED (in case if the element is a placeholder).

  4. Graphic Item: Graphic items are represented by grey bars (or slices, depending on the Timeline scale). Infinite graphics is are represented by a grey rippled bar, and Simple FX items are represented by a small orange ORANGE (Channel Bug) and violet VIOLET (Live Bug) bar.

  5. Stopframe Triangle: Graphic items may contain → Stopframes. They are represented by grey trianglesGrey triangles represent them. Changing the duration of a graphic item automatically changes the time it takes to release a StopframeStop frame.

  6. Events: Events  Events are represented by yellow YELLOW (🟡) triangles and in case a Rule has been defined for this channel, a Rules indicator is shown at on the right side of the Event track.

  7. Gap between Videos: Gaps  Gaps are those parts of the rundown where the playout Playout will go to black because there are no ele­ments scheduled. This is something which usually should be avoided, and therefore it is not possible to have a gap Gap between two Videos scheduled in the Video Layer of the same Playlist. In case there is a need for a gap Gap between Videos in the same Playlist, it is possible to create one by using the Gap placeholder item, which can be found in the Library.

  8. Selected Item: A selected item is highlighted in the colour defined as the Highlight Colour in the General System Preferences. Selecting allows you to modify the item in the Inspector. Double-clicking an item moves the Edit Mode CTI to the beginning of the item and allows you to modify some parameters directly in the Timeline.

  9. Gap at the End of a Playlist: There is the possibility of a Gap at the end of a Playlist. You can avoid this by activating the Auto Duration attribute of a Playlist, which will automatically adjust the length of the Playlist depending on the content.

  10. Live Event Item: Use the Live Event item from the Videotab of the Library to switch to a an incoming live incoming signal. It can be used like a Video using a fixed length or with an infinite Infinite Length, which is represented by a purple bracket. Live Event elements are represented by grey bars (or slices, depending on the Timeline scale) in the Video Layer, where the text showing the name of the elements is violet PURPLE (🟣).

  11. Gaps in the Rundown: If a Gap should occur in your rundown, the output shown on air will depend on the configuration defined by your system administrator:

  • Black

  • The passed through Live Signal

  • A predefined Gap Playlist

Avoiding Gaps

Gaps between Playlists between Playlists can be avoided by choosing Chained Playlists. This will adjust the start point automatically whenever the end of the previous Playlist changesprevious Playlist changes.
