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Please enter the License Activation Code that you have received from either your preferred ToolsOnAir reseller or ToolsOnAir into the "Activation code" field and then click on the "Activate" button to activate your license.

Upon successful activation, the status in the “Current activation status and activated option” list changes from “Yellow (🟡)” to “Green (🟢)”.


For the online activation process to work, you will need online access. Please ensure that this is available before starting the online activation process.

License Transfer

Should you need to transfer your license to another machine, then click on the “Deactivate” button. This will release the license for the machine hardware and allow the license transfer to another machine.


Should the


production hardware become defective ahead of a license deactivation, then please contact the ToolsOnAir team at to help you with the license transfer.