Note |
IMPORTANT - Please read before creating a TOA System Profile Please generate a TOA System Profile only, when there is no recording ongoing. |
If you encounter a problem an issue with just:in linux, the ToolsOnAir Support Team will likely ask you for a “TOA System ProfileProfile”, as it contains all necessary information about your system and the application logs. In order to To generate such a Profile“TOA System Profile”, please follow the steps below.:
Open the Just Control Configuration panel (within Just Control) and select the appropriate Device. Then switch to the “System” Tabtab.
Next, make sure verify that the “Logs & Profiles” Profiles” tab is active. Then press the “Save” Button “Save” pull-down button, and click on “Save All Logs (System Profile)”.
Make sure Ensure that you are enter using a valid name and to choose an appropriate location to save the compressed (.zip) file. Then use click on the “Save” Button button to start the process.
During the generation process of the “TOA System ProfileProfile” you will see a spinning wheel next to the “Refresh” button. Please wait until this spinning wheel disappears, before you are copying trying to copy the compressed (.zip) file.